Senopati marriage with Nyai Roro Kidul
Minggu, 07 Juli 2019
Senopati marriage with Nyai Roro Kidul
The Babad Tanah Jawa tells that Senopati departed with five people to Lipura (Ngalipura which is four palms to the southwest of the Yogyakarta Palace).
There are beautiful colored stones. On that rock he slept.
When that A Star Falls from the Sky As much as a coconut shines like the Moon. Senopati Wakes and Speaks to the Moon.
In the answer, the star predicted, "I am a star. I want to tell you that what you have asked God you have got. You will become a great king who rules the island of Java to replace King Pajang. Java will be in the hands of your descendants. will become a very rich king, but he will be the closing king in Mataram."Then the star disappeared.
"Hi, I was destined to become the king who ruled the island of Java to replace the father of Sultan Pajang."
Ki interpreter Martani rebuked him, "Angger senapati, do not become obscure."
"But didn't uncle have heard the star himself?"
"What the star said before the fortune-telling (prediction), has not yet become a reality. If we say that there will be a battle against Pajang and you lose, you can regret the star.
Where do you want to look for that star?"
"True uncle's words. Whatever uncle's advice, I will obey."
After that they decided to beg God. "Let's divide the work: You go to the sea and I will climb Mount Merapi, and we pray, trying to understand the will of God.