Selasa, 22 April 2014
AL-AL-A'DZHAM cleric
"He is al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Muhammad Sahib al-Faqih Marbath.Al-uqaddam Muhammad bin Ali al-dubbed with the title of the cleric al-a'zham because he was a great teacher and a Sufi who runs thariqah indigence (only intend to Allah) and Sufism bertasawuf with a clean and well-maintained from the things forbidden, based on al-Quran and al-Sunnah that disyiarkan with spirit Islam and monotheism".
Al-Faqih Muqoddam Muhammad Bin Ali Ba'Alwi was blessed 5 sons namely Alwi al-Ghuyur, Ali, Ahmad,
Abdullah and Abdurahman. And who continue descendants only 3 people are: Alwi al-Ghuyur, Ali and Ahmad. Al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad ibn Ali died in Tarim hijriyah
653 years.
Abdullah and Abdurahman. And who continue descendants only 3 people are: Alwi al-Ghuyur, Ali and Ahmad. Al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad ibn Ali died in Tarim hijriyah
653 years.
Asadullah FI ARDHIHI
He is Wali Allah Muhammad ibn Hasan ibn Ali ibn Muhammad Atturobi al - Faqihal - Fi Muqaddam.Sebab called by Asadullah Shaikh Muhammad Asadullah Ardhihi because very diligently read the Qur'an and understand its meaning . He was always up to worship God at the end of the third of the night , so he felt her mortal '. He was eager to read the Qur'an and understand its meaning as well as pleasure in himself if was reading the Koran , sehinggabeliau feel as a lion and said the silence of the night with the words , Ana Ardhihi Asadullah Fi , In the book of al - Masyra ' is told that he is blessed with six sons and three men who continued his descent ,namely :
Abu Bakr Basyaiban ( d. 800 AH)
Hasan , lowering family : Jamalullail , Bin Sahal , Baharun , al - Junayd , al - Qadridan al - Siri ) , died in 757 Hijri .
Ahmad, lowering family : al - Syatri , al-Ethiopia and Syanbal .
Wali Allah Muhammad ibn Hasan Atturobi died in 778 Hijri .
Aal - A'YUN
A'yun dubbed al - Wali Allah of which is Alwi bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad Maula al - Dawilah ( family ancestor al - Muqaibil ) . Title given al - A'yun because he has black eyes so wide the seeds terlihatindah .
Aal - Albar
Who first called Wali Allah al - Bar is Alwi bin Ali bin Ali bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Ahmad bin Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam . He was held by al - Baar because very obedient ( devoted ) to his mother in good faith that it is obedient little is done by the child to his mother . He was named after his father ( Ali bin Ali ) , because when his father died , he was still in the womb of his mother , he simply obeyed his mother because his father had died . Ali Wali Allah bin Ali Albar blessed with three sons named : Abubakar , and Husin Abdullah . Ali Wali Allah bin Ali al - Bar was born in the city danwafat Dau'an , Hadramaut
Aal - battah
They are descendants of the family of Shaykh Abu Bakr bin Salim and their progenitor is Wali Allah Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Abdurrahman ibn Abi Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Abi Bakr bin Abdullah bin Hussein bin Syaichon bin Shaykh Abu Bakr bin Salim.
Named ' battah ' because he was born in battah a city located on the west side Sahil , East Africa .
Aal - Albahar
They are descendants of the family of al - Jufri . Datuk Wali Allah they are Syaichan bin Alwi bin Abdullah bin Alwi al - Attarisi Chawas bin Abu Bakr al - Jufri . Who first dubbed 'Al - Bahar ' is the father of Habib Wali Allah Saleh Hasanal - Bahar.Gelar that carried by Abdullah bin al - Syaich shine in his book al - Nahri Giladat containing manakib al - Habib Hasan bin Saleh al - Bahar , stated that who was given the title of al - Bahar is the father , Salah . The title was given because he seems sacred when sailing at sea often . In addition, the title is given as broad as the breadth of his knowledge laut.Waliyullah Hasan bin Salah Al - Bahar blessed with five sons , namely : Muhammad , Abdullah , Jafar , Abdul Kadir and Salah .
The first time is called Wali Allah al - Ibrahim bin Abdullah bin Ibrahim bin Abdullah Abdurahman Assaqqaf . For the so-called al - Ibrahim as the name ascribed to the name of his grandfather . Abraham is a Hebrew name as Ismail , Ishaq , Ya'qub Yusuf and then the name is inserted into Arabic .
Aal - Barakat
They are descendants of Shaykh Wali Allah ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ali Maula Dawilah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam . In addition there is also another descendant of Wali Allah Barakat Barakat bin Ahmad al- Syatiri . The provision of this title ,because their progenitor expect blessings and goodness of God , his grandchildren makabanyak being Auliya ' . Wali Allah Shaykh ibn Ali Barakat died in the year 813 hijriyah Tarim .
Aal - Barum
Barum is a title attributed to heredity Wali Allah Hasan bin Muhammad bin Alwi bin Abdullah bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al - Faqihal - Muqaddam.
Named the 'Barum ' because he was given the cue to go to the Barum village and settled there and became an elder in the glory due his blessing ilmudan . Barum Hamlet is approximately 20 km from the city of Mukalla Hadramout . Barum Hasan Wali Allah endowed four sons named : Abdurahman , Umar , Ali and Ahmad . Barum Wali Allah Hasan died in the town of Tarim in 927 H.
He is Ismail Wali Allah ( Basri ) bin Ubaidullah bin Ahmad bin Isa al - Muhajir.Basri is the second son of Ubaidullah ibn Ahmad ibn Isa . The first child was named Alwi , he was the grandfather of the family Ba'alawi , and a third child named Jadid.
Named Basri is named after the city of Basra , which later he moved with his family and his grandfather al - Imam Ahmad bin Isa al - Muhajir to the land of Hadramawt . This title became the title of a few families that datuknya Alawiyin named Basri and they called it the Bin al - Basri . Descendants Basri interrupted at the beginning of the sixth century hijriyah .
The first time the title ' Babathinah ' is Wali Allah ibn Ahmad ibn Abdurahman Alwi bin Ahmad bin Alwi bin Abdurahman al - Faqih amu . He is the founder of the mosque in Tarim Babathinah and have a flourishing garden and called Babathinah . Abdurahman bin Ahmad Wali Allah endowed Babathinah 4 children , namely : Chadijah Ahmad , Umar al - Ahmar Uyun , Ali Muhammad al - Shonhazi and Maghfun .
Title ascribed to al - Bayti Baiti Maslamah a village within ten kilometers of Tarim . The title was borne by : Ali Wali Allah bin Alwi bin Ali al - Bakr binAbu Facher . He was born in Bait al - Maslamah . Blessed with a boy named Muhammad , who lowered his descendants . Ali Wali Allah in the Bait al - Baytiwafat Aa - Maslamah in 915 H. Wali Allah Abu Bakr ibn Ibrahim Imam Abdurrahman Assegaf wild - born in the town of Tarim . Blessed with 3 sons named : Ibrahim , Ahmad and Ismail . Wali Allah Abu Bakr al - Bayti d. 905 HDi Tarim city .
Family of al - Biedh bernisbat to their progenitor Wali Allah ibn Ahmad ibn Abdurahman Hussein bin Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam.Beliau dubbed this title because he is one who pursue the white days of fasting , which is fast on the thirteenth day , fourteenth and fifteenth of each month Qamariyah . Fasting is he doing as ittiba ' against Prophet saw.Waliyullah bin Ahmad Al - Biedh Abdurhamnan endowed with two sons , named : Abdurahman and Makhrus . Ahmad Wali Allah ibn Abdurrahman al - Biedh Syihir died in the year 945 Hijri .
Ahmad, lowering family : al - Syatri , al-Ethiopia and Syanbal .
Wali Allah Muhammad ibn Hasan Atturobi died in 778 Hijri .
Aal - A'YUN
A'yun dubbed al - Wali Allah of which is Alwi bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad Maula al - Dawilah ( family ancestor al - Muqaibil ) . Title given al - A'yun because he has black eyes so wide the seeds terlihatindah .
Aal - Albar
Who first called Wali Allah al - Bar is Alwi bin Ali bin Ali bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Ahmad bin Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam . He was held by al - Baar because very obedient ( devoted ) to his mother in good faith that it is obedient little is done by the child to his mother . He was named after his father ( Ali bin Ali ) , because when his father died , he was still in the womb of his mother , he simply obeyed his mother because his father had died . Ali Wali Allah bin Ali Albar blessed with three sons named : Abubakar , and Husin Abdullah . Ali Wali Allah bin Ali al - Bar was born in the city danwafat Dau'an , Hadramaut
Aal - battah
They are descendants of the family of Shaykh Abu Bakr bin Salim and their progenitor is Wali Allah Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Abdurrahman ibn Abi Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Abi Bakr bin Abdullah bin Hussein bin Syaichon bin Shaykh Abu Bakr bin Salim.
Named ' battah ' because he was born in battah a city located on the west side Sahil , East Africa .
Aal - Albahar
They are descendants of the family of al - Jufri . Datuk Wali Allah they are Syaichan bin Alwi bin Abdullah bin Alwi al - Attarisi Chawas bin Abu Bakr al - Jufri . Who first dubbed 'Al - Bahar ' is the father of Habib Wali Allah Saleh Hasanal - Bahar.Gelar that carried by Abdullah bin al - Syaich shine in his book al - Nahri Giladat containing manakib al - Habib Hasan bin Saleh al - Bahar , stated that who was given the title of al - Bahar is the father , Salah . The title was given because he seems sacred when sailing at sea often . In addition, the title is given as broad as the breadth of his knowledge laut.Waliyullah Hasan bin Salah Al - Bahar blessed with five sons , namely : Muhammad , Abdullah , Jafar , Abdul Kadir and Salah .
The first time is called Wali Allah al - Ibrahim bin Abdullah bin Ibrahim bin Abdullah Abdurahman Assaqqaf . For the so-called al - Ibrahim as the name ascribed to the name of his grandfather . Abraham is a Hebrew name as Ismail , Ishaq , Ya'qub Yusuf and then the name is inserted into Arabic .
Aal - Barakat
They are descendants of Shaykh Wali Allah ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ali Maula Dawilah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam . In addition there is also another descendant of Wali Allah Barakat Barakat bin Ahmad al- Syatiri . The provision of this title ,because their progenitor expect blessings and goodness of God , his grandchildren makabanyak being Auliya ' . Wali Allah Shaykh ibn Ali Barakat died in the year 813 hijriyah Tarim .
Aal - Barum
Barum is a title attributed to heredity Wali Allah Hasan bin Muhammad bin Alwi bin Abdullah bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al - Faqihal - Muqaddam.
Named the 'Barum ' because he was given the cue to go to the Barum village and settled there and became an elder in the glory due his blessing ilmudan . Barum Hamlet is approximately 20 km from the city of Mukalla Hadramout . Barum Hasan Wali Allah endowed four sons named : Abdurahman , Umar , Ali and Ahmad . Barum Wali Allah Hasan died in the town of Tarim in 927 H.
He is Ismail Wali Allah ( Basri ) bin Ubaidullah bin Ahmad bin Isa al - Muhajir.Basri is the second son of Ubaidullah ibn Ahmad ibn Isa . The first child was named Alwi , he was the grandfather of the family Ba'alawi , and a third child named Jadid.
Named Basri is named after the city of Basra , which later he moved with his family and his grandfather al - Imam Ahmad bin Isa al - Muhajir to the land of Hadramawt . This title became the title of a few families that datuknya Alawiyin named Basri and they called it the Bin al - Basri . Descendants Basri interrupted at the beginning of the sixth century hijriyah .
The first time the title ' Babathinah ' is Wali Allah ibn Ahmad ibn Abdurahman Alwi bin Ahmad bin Alwi bin Abdurahman al - Faqih amu . He is the founder of the mosque in Tarim Babathinah and have a flourishing garden and called Babathinah . Abdurahman bin Ahmad Wali Allah endowed Babathinah 4 children , namely : Chadijah Ahmad , Umar al - Ahmar Uyun , Ali Muhammad al - Shonhazi and Maghfun .
Title ascribed to al - Bayti Baiti Maslamah a village within ten kilometers of Tarim . The title was borne by : Ali Wali Allah bin Alwi bin Ali al - Bakr binAbu Facher . He was born in Bait al - Maslamah . Blessed with a boy named Muhammad , who lowered his descendants . Ali Wali Allah in the Bait al - Baytiwafat Aa - Maslamah in 915 H. Wali Allah Abu Bakr ibn Ibrahim Imam Abdurrahman Assegaf wild - born in the town of Tarim . Blessed with 3 sons named : Ibrahim , Ahmad and Ismail . Wali Allah Abu Bakr al - Bayti d. 905 HDi Tarim city .
Family of al - Biedh bernisbat to their progenitor Wali Allah ibn Ahmad ibn Abdurahman Hussein bin Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam.Beliau dubbed this title because he is one who pursue the white days of fasting , which is fast on the thirteenth day , fourteenth and fifteenth of each month Qamariyah . Fasting is he doing as ittiba ' against Prophet saw.Waliyullah bin Ahmad Al - Biedh Abdurhamnan endowed with two sons , named : Abdurahman and Makhrus . Ahmad Wali Allah ibn Abdurrahman al - Biedh Syihir died in the year 945 Hijri .
He is Babarik Ahmad Wali Allah ibn Abdurrahman bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam . Babarik Umar Wali Allah was born in the city of Tarim . Blessed with 3 sons , namely : Hasan , Ali and Umar . While continuing his descent was Umar in Surat , India . Waliyullah Ahmad Babarik died in Tarim city.
He is Wali Allah Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam . Given the title of al - Turobi , because he is a very humble ' and likens him to the ground . Atturobi Hasan bin Ali Wali Allah has a son named Muhammad Asadullah .
They are the descendants of Abdurahman bin Jahdab Ali Wali Allah ibn Muhammad ibn Ba'alawi Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam.Sebab given the title of the ' Bajahdab ' , because he lived in the village Jahadabah , Yemen . Jahdab bin Abdurahman Ali Wali Allah blessed with 2 sons : and Mohammed Abud al - Mualim . Muhammad al - Mualim had a son named Alwi . One of his descendants who became the leader of the family there Alawiyin ( Naqib al - Alawi ) is Wali Allah Ahmad bin Alwi Bajahdab . He died in the year 973 hijriyah Tarim .
He is Wali Allah Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam . Given the title of al - Turobi , because he is a very humble ' and likens him to the ground . Atturobi Hasan bin Ali Wali Allah has a son named Muhammad Asadullah .
They are the descendants of Abdurahman bin Jahdab Ali Wali Allah ibn Muhammad ibn Ba'alawi Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam.Sebab given the title of the ' Bajahdab ' , because he lived in the village Jahadabah , Yemen . Jahdab bin Abdurahman Ali Wali Allah blessed with 2 sons : and Mohammed Abud al - Mualim . Muhammad al - Mualim had a son named Alwi . One of his descendants who became the leader of the family there Alawiyin ( Naqib al - Alawi ) is Wali Allah Ahmad bin Alwi Bajahdab . He died in the year 973 hijriyah Tarim .
The first time was named , Jadid ' is Wali Allah Jadid bin Ubaidullah bin Ahmad bin Isa al - Muhajir . He was the third son of Ubaidullah bin Ahmad bin Isa al - Muhajir.
Named ' Jadid ' because of his family , led by Isa al - Muhajir Ahmadbin moved from Basra to a new place called Hadramaut.Keturunan Jadid interrupted in the early sixth century hijriyah .
Who first dubbed , al - Djufri ' is Wali Allah Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn Ali Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al - Faqih al - Muqaddam.Gelar that carried as he was called by the grandfather of his mother Wali Allah ibn Muhammad Abdurahman Assegaf Maula Dawilah as Djufratiy which means small children who are obese pet and stocky . And as an adult iamenjadi an expert in the science of Jafar , a formula that uses letters and numbers written on the skin of Jafar ( young goat ) . One day he lost his book contains knowledge Jafar , he was looking for it and said Jafri ( meaning Jafarku science book ) . So ever since he called al - Jufri . WaliyullahAbu Bakr ibn Muhammad al - Djufri born in the town of Tarim , blessed with five sons , namely : Muhammad , Abdullah , Ahmad , al - Alwi Chawas and Umar . Of the five children whose descendants are disconnected Mohammed and Abdullah , while his other three offspring degrade al - Djufri like : al - Kaf , al - Shafi and Al - Bahar.Waliyullah Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad al - Djufri died in the town of Tarim in 860 Hijri .
Djamalullail is the degree to Wali Allah al - Imam Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam ( unbroken descent ) and al - Hasan ibn al - ImamMuhammad Mua'alim bin Hasan bin Muhammad Asadilah Atturabi . That carried the title because they always fill the nights following denganibadah , both praying tahajjud and other sunnah prayers and reading the Quran , prayers and other prayers and devotions are performed during his lifetime . Because itubeliau dubbed with Djamalullail . Djamalullail Wali Allah Muhammad was born in the town of Tarim , blessed with 2 sons : Abdullah bin Muhammad Djamalullail . From two grandchildren Abdullah bin Ahmad and Muhammad ibn Ahmad al - Djamalullail lowering located in Hadramaut , Makkah and India and partly in Aceh and Java. Ali bin Muhammad Djamalullail , lowering the ancestral al - Qadri al - Asiry , al - Baharun and al - Junaid . Djamalullail Wali Allah Muhammad died in 845 H. padatahun Tarim city
Aal - BIN Jindan
They are a tribe of the family of al - sheikh Abu Bakr bin Salim , which are attributed to the descendants of Ali Wali Allah ibn Muhammad ibn Hussein ibn Abi Bakr bin Salim Shaikh . Jindan is the title to their grandfather , and they each call with Bin Jindan are descendants of Shaikh Salim bin Abi Bakr . Ali Wali Allah ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr Shaikh Husien son died in about 1200 Inat H.
The first time was nicknamed 'Al - Jannah ' is Wali Allah Muhammad ibn Hasan ibn Harun bin Abdullah bin Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad Jamalullail . That carried the title , because he is a well-known with the science , glory , danibadahnya . According to al - Masyra Shohib ' called al - Jannah because he missed a lot of praying and heaven . And God answered that prayer and longing .
Al - Junaid is the title attributed to heredity binUmar Wali Allah Abu Bakr ibn Abdullah ibn Harun ibn Hasan ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Jamallullail mu'alim Hasanal - Hasan ibn Muhammad Asadillah Atturabi . Named Djunaid with intent tabarukan that later became named Wali Allah Wali Allah as Djunaid binMuhammad a Atthaifah Sayid al - sufiyah that terkenal.Waliyullah Abu Bakr al - Junaid was born in the town of Tarim in 1053 H. 5orang Imbued with only one child and the child's offspring , namely Ali ibn Abu Bakaral - Junaid . Offspring in the city of Tarim and Singapore.Waliyullah Abu Bakr al - Junaid died in the town of Tarim .
They are descendants of Al - Wali Allah al - Achdor Djunaid bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Alwi al - qasam Syaibah bin Abdullah bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al - Faqih al - Muqaddam . Grandfather carried the title because he gave the name tabarukan Djunaid with the intention that in the future be like Wali Allah Wali Allah ibn Muhammad named Djunaid a Sufiyah who terkenal.Waliyullah Djunaid Achdor Gasam born , endowed with 5 boys , 3diantara offspring are: Syaich , Ahmad and Muthahhar . Wali Allah Djunaid Achdor died in 1032 in gasam H.
They are the descendants of Muhammad ibn Ahmad Wali Allah ibn al - Alwi bin Syaibah Abdullah bin Ali bin Abdullah Ba'alawi . Given the title of ' Gilani ' , as tabarukan Shaykh Abd al-Qadir Jilani told . Gilani is a place that is in negeriParsi . Muhammad ibn Ahmad Wali Allah had a son named Sych , Hadar , and Abdurahman Ahmad ( grandfather of the family of al - Junaid al - Achdor ) .
Aal - Alhamid
They are descendants of Wali Allah al - Hamid ibn Abi Bakr al - Shaykh al - Hamid ibn Salim.Gelar strapped because his father wanted his son to be the one to give thanks to Allah by praising Him always . Hamid Wali Allah al - Hamid was born in the city of Inat , he was blessed with 8 children who continued descendants male and only 5 persons , namely :
- Muthahhar , the offspring is al - Aqil Muthahhar .
- Umar , the offspring is al - Salim bin Umar (mostly in Indonesian )
- Abdullah
- Abu Bakr Alwi
- Wali Allah al - Hamid Abu Bakar bin Syaich Inat died in 1030 Hijri .
Aal - Alhabsyi
They are the descendants of Abu Bakr ibn Ali Wali Allah ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Assadilah Atturabi Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad al - Faqih Muqaddam . Title that carried dikarena he frequently traveled to cities Habasyah in Africa and he has lived there for 20 years for the da'wah of Islam . Wali Allah ibn Abi Bakr al - Ali was born in the town of Tarim Ethiopia , whom she had a son named Alwi . Alwi anaklelaki have 5 people , 2 of them lose their descendants , namely :
- Ali , his descendants are in the city of Medina .
- Muhammad al - Ashgor , Has 4 children : -
- Umar ( descendants disconnected in Tarim )
- Ali ( descendants bit in Makkah )
- Abdurrahman , the offspring were in Palembang , Jambi , Siak and Aceh .
- Syi'ib Shahab Ahmad , Having 9 children :
2 . Hadi , had two sons named :
A ) . Idrus , continue descent al -Ethiopia al - Syabsyabah ( diantaraketurunannya is Wali Allah al - Habib bin Muhammad bin Nuh Ahmadal -Ethiopia in Singapore ) .
B ) . Abdurahman , was progenitor Wali Allah al - Habib Ali al -Ethiopia Kwitang ( see his pedigree in Biography Habib Ali bin Abdurrahman al -Ethiopia ) .
3 . Alwi , the offspring is called al - Ahmad bin Zain is the progenitor Wali Allah al - Habib Muhammad bin Idrus al -Ethiopia ( Ampel Surabaya Gubbah )
4 . Hussein , had two sons , namely : - Shodiq ( descendants in Hadramawt , Surabaya and Malacca ) - Muhammad , one of his descendants is Wali Allah al - Habib Ali bin Muhammad al Alwibin -Ethiopia ( Masjid Ar - Riyadh , Solo)
5 . Idrus ( descendants in Yafi ' and India )
6 . Hashim
7 . Syaich ( descendants in Lihij and Dasinah )
8 . Muhammad
9 . Umar.Waliyullah Abu Bakr ibn Ali ibn Ahmad died in the town of Tarim in 857 H.