Kamis, 09 Juni 2016
It was narrated from Shaykh al-Ummah, the Imam A'immah, the leader of the saints, of all Quthub Quthub, Sayyidi Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, that he told one friend: "Accept the blessings from me, because I take it by the inspiration of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta 'bad, then I showed it to the Messenger of Allaah him blessings and peace. I want to ask him about the special benefits such blessings, but his answer before I asked for it. He said to me: "Peace has special benefits that are so terrible to be taken into account.
He lifts up the practice to a very high degree, and make them reach the most remote destinations. When someone uses blessings to achieve a particular purpose, then he will not be disappointed. Its ambitions are not going to fail and praying not to be denied. When someone reads it, even if only once or take, God will grant forgiveness to the person and to the people that go with it. When death arrives, four angels of mercy will come next. The first angel will take care of the devil. Angels second would lead shahadah. angel
third quench their thirst with a cup of water from the wells of Al-Kawthar. The fourth angel will bring the golden bowl filled with fruit paradise, gave the good news about inhabit heaven, and said to him: "Blessed, O servants of Allah!" And then he would look at him and looked at him with her eyes, before his soul apart. "It will be entering his grave with a sense of peace, love and happiness, and it will not feel loneliness and hardship in it. Forty Mercy will open the door for her and her reflected light. When he got up on the Day of Resurrection, the angel will give him the good news of his right hand, and the other angels would reassure her left hand.
It will be two beautiful dresses, and a horse brought him to tame the ride. There is no sorrow and remorse for him, and he will undergo a simple calculation. As he passed the bridge fire, the fire will say to him: "Hurry passed, O servants of God's free! I was forbidden to touch you. "" It will enter paradise paradise with their ancestors pious, and in heaven it will be forty dome of silver. Each dome will contain a palace of gold, and in each room there are a hundred palaces of light. In each room there is a couch made of high silk and silk on the couch was there an angel with beautiful eyes. The body is made of a very fragrant scent, it seems at the moment purnamanya night. Then it will be something that has never been seen by the eye, the ear has ever heard, and never occurred in the human heart. "
According to the newspapers, on the night when the Prophet peace and blessings be upon dimi'rajkan to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says: "Whose is the earth, O Muhammad?" He answered: Held You, O Lord. "Then He Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said:" whose heaven, O Muhammad? "He responded: Held you, O Lord." Then He Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said: "whose veil is, O Muhammad? "He responded: Held you, O Lord." Then He Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said: "whose throne (Chair), O Muhammad?" He responded: Held-Mu,
O Lord. "Then He Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said:" Whose you, O Muhammad? "At this point, the Prophet peace and blessings alaihi fell down in prostration, and shame prevented him from saying anything. Allaah, then said: "You are the people who belong to blessings, and do it with respect and reverence."
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Gilani said: "Peace is Peace in accordance with teachings of the Prophet were. It is opening the door seventy grace, and it creates a magic way to heaven paradise. It is better than a thousand a free spirit, and slaughtered thousands of sacrificial animals, and
charity of one thousand dinars, and fasted for a thousand months. It contains the hidden secrets, and a way to make it easier to implement the obligation, to edify, to meet the needs, raise degrees, eliminating sin, pardon the offense, and humble honor to be changed. "
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Gilani also said: "Peace is not given except to those who really works, because the blessings of this nature has the perfect, backed with a lot of priorities. If a particular problem happens to someone, each of which will be the peace and blessings be road or a means for him to Allah's peace and blessings be upon, and every verse in the Quran that contained her intercession for him will be in the presence of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
This is the blessings of those who enforce the five daily prayers, reading the Quran for those who do dhikr, a warning to those who would listen to advice, and as a way for them to find a way. It is the blessings of the Holy Quran, and I called it "Basya'irul Benefit"