

As Prof. Sayyid . Dr. . Sayyid Muhammad ibn ' Alawi ibn Sayyid ' Abbas ibn Sayyid ' Abdul ' Aziz al - Maliki al - Hasani al - Makki al - Ash'ari al- Syadzili born in the holy city of Mecca in 1365 is the first H. Education Madrasah Al - Falah , Makkah , where his father Sayyid Alawi bin Abbas al -Maliki as a religion teacher at the school who also doubles as teaching in halaqah in Haram Makki , near Bab as- salam

His father , Syed Alwi ibn Abbas Almaliki ( born in Makkah th 1328H ) , a famous and renowned Islamic scholars in the city of Mecca . Besides active in both berdawah Haram in the city or other cities adjacent to such Thoif Makkah , Jeddah etc. , Sayyid Alwi Almaliki is one of the scholars who first gave a talk on the radio Arabia after Friday prayers with the title of " Hadith al - Jumah " .

So did his father Sayyid Alawi is a Qadi people who are always on call if there is a celebration Makkah pernikahan.Selama duty proselytizing , Syed Alwi ibn Abbas Almaiki always brought his two sons Muhammad and Abbas . They both always with him wherever he went and lectured both in Mecca or outside the city of Mecca . The propaganda that went on after death he is Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwi Almaliki and Sayyed Abbas has always dealt with the benefit of his father 's life .

As is customary the Sadah and Ashraf expert Makkah , Sayyid Alwi Almaliki always use a different outfit with scholars around him . He always wore jubbah , turban ( Imamat ) and Burdah or pleasure commonly used and worn Ashraf Makkah .

After the death of Syed Alwi Almaiki , son of Sayyid Muhammad appeared as a successor to his father . And before that he always gets a bit of trouble because he was not ready to be a surrogate father . So the first step taken was he continued his studies and ta'limnya first. He went to Cairo and Al-Azhar University Assyarif is their choice . After reaching S1 , S2 and S3 in the fa Hadith and Ushuluddin he returned to Makkah to continue the journey that has been in the travel father . Besides teaching in the Haram in halaqa Masjidi , he was appointed as a lecturer at King Abdul Aziz University - Jeddah and Umm Al-Qura Makkah College of Hadith science and Usuluddin section . Long enough he perform his duties as a lecturer in two Universiatas they will be, until he decided to resign and chose to teach in the Holy Mosque while working to open a mosque committees and lodge in his house .

The lessons are given either in the mosque or at home haram he is not certain as point men to science at the University . However, all subjects were given thank all the people can either lay or learned societies , all can accept and all can taste what is given Sayyid Maliki . That is why he always has focused to create a bigger house and can accommodate more than 500 students per day is usually done after Maghrib until Isha prayers at his home in Hay al Rashifah . Similarly, every month of Ramadan and the feast he always receives all his guests with open arms and without choosing classes or degrees . All on the same side guests pupils and students , all received the same award and all tasted science together .

He has been out of the house scholars who carried the banner RasulAllah to suluruh corners of the earth 's surface . A country where we get his student in India , Pakistan , Africa , Europe , America , what else in Asia which is the orbit dahwah sharif Muhammad Almaliki , thousands of students are not only his students become clerics and scholars but not a bit of murid2 he goes into administration .

In addition to regular lectures and taklim done every day anyway , he has sought to establish cottage no small number of his students , all coming from all over the world , learning , eating , and drinking without a penny in fees collected , he even gave scholarships to the students as allowance. After several years of study of the students returned to their countries for religious broadcasting .

Syed Muhammad Almaliki known as a teacher , lecturer and educator who is not hardline , moderation , and always receive Hiwar with wisdom and mauidhah hasanah.thariqahnya .

In life he was always patient with people who are not good at thinking bersependapat or with alirianya . All received the opposite patiently and answered with wisdom and effort menklirkan something of a problem with reality and telling arguments not with emotions and conflicts that are not qualified and interminable . He knows very well that there are weaknesses in Islam and its scholars dispute this is the desired enemy of Islam .

To the extent that he accepts willingly shifted from his position both at the University and his study groups at the Haram Mosque . All of this he received with patience and sincerity even he always respect people who do not bersependapat and like-minded with him , they have a view semasih err derived from the Koran and the Sunna . The scholars who have received gemblengan of Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwi Almaliki , they are smart and educated . In addition to master the Arabic language , they master the religious sciences are sufficient to make a marja ' and reference in their countries .

He wants to raise the degree and dignity of the Muslims become better human beings behave in muamalatnya to God and to others , honored in deeds , actions and thoughts and feelings . He is an intelligent and educated , brave and honest and fair and love of neighbor . That's the main teachings of Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwi Almaliki . He always accept and appreciate and respect the opinions of people who are not like-minded with him or not in line with.

He Essay

In addition to his duties as a preacher, teacher, pembibing, lecturer, speaker and all forms of activities that are beneficial to religion, he is also a great poet and the author excels. No fewer than 100 books have been authored, circulated all around the world. Not a few of his outstanding kitab2 been translated into English, French, Urdu, Indonesian, etc..

Sayyid Muhammad was a prolific writer and has produced nearly a hundred pieces of the book. He has written on various topics of religion, law, and social history, and most of the book is considered as the main reference and a pioneer in the topics discussed and reserved as a textbook in Islamic institutions throughout the world. We mentioned sebahagian results in various fields:

aqidah :

1 . Mafaheem Yajib an Tusahhah
2 . Manhaj As- Salaf al- Fahm fi Nusus
3 . At- Tahzir min at - Takfir
4 . Huwa Allah
5 . Qul Hazihi Sabeeli
6 . Sharh ' aqidat al - ' Awam

Tafsir :

1 . Zubdat Itqan fi al - ' Ulum al - Qur'an
2 . Wa Huwa bi al - Ufuq al - ' A'la
Three . Al - qawa'id Asasiyyah fi al - ' Ulum al - Quran
4 . Hawl al - Quran Khasa'is

Hadith :

1 . The Al - Manhal al - Latif al - Hadith proposal fi al - Sharif
2 . Al - qawa'id Asasiyyah fi al - ' Ilm al - Hadith Mustalah
3 . Fadl wa al - Muwatta Inayat al - Ummah al - Islamiyya bihi
4 . Anwar al - Masalik fi al - Muqaranah bayn History of al - Muwatta of Imam Malik lil -

Sirah :

1 . Muhammad ( Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ) al - Insan al - Kamil
2 . Tarikh al - Hawadith wa al - ahwal al - Nabawiyyah
3 . ' Urf al - Ta'rif bi al- Mawlid al - Sharif
4 . The Al - Anwar al - Isra wa fi Bahiyyah M'iraj Khayr al - Bariyyah
5 . Zakha'ir Al - al - Muhammadiyyah
6 . Zikriyat wa Munasabat
Seven . Al - Bushra fi Manaqib al - Lady Khadija al - Kubra

The proposal :

1 . The Al - qawa'id Asasiyyah fi al - Fiqh al- proposal
2 . Sharh al - Waraqat Manzumat fi al - Fiqh proposal
3 . Understand al - Tatawwur wa al - Tajdid fi al - Shari'ah al - Islamiyya

fiqh :

1 . The Al - Risala al - Islamiyya Kamaluha Khuluduha wa wa ' Alamiyyatuha
2 . Shawariq al - Anwar al - Sadah Ad'iyat min al - Akhyar
3 . Abwab al - Faraj
4 . Kalam min al - Mukhtar al - Akhyar
5 . Husun ​​Al - al - Mani'ah
6 . Mukhtasar al - Anwar Shawariq


1 . Fi Rihab al - Bayt al - Haram ( Makkah History )
2 . Mustashriqun Bayn al - al - Insaf wa al - ' asabiyyah ( Studies Relating Orientalist )
3 . Nazrat ila al - Islam al - Riyadah ( Sport in Islam )
4 . The Al - qudwah Hasanah fi al - Manhaj al - Da'wah ila Allah ( Dawah Technique )
5 . Ma La ' Aynun Ra'at ( Granules Heaven )
6 . Nizam al - usrah fi al - Islam ( Islamic Family Rules )
7 . Moslem Al - Bayn al - waqi ' wa al - Tajribah ( Moslem , Between reality and experience )
8 . Kashf al - Ghumma ( reward Helping Muslims )

9 . Al - Dawah al - Islahiyyah ( Da'wah Updates )
10 . Fi Sabil al - Huda wa al - Rashad ( Collection Speech )
11 . Sharaf al - Ummah al - Islamiyya ( the Islamic Ummah glory )
12 . Proposal al - Tarbiyah al - Nabawiyyah ( Methodology Education Nabawi )
13 . Nur al - Nibras fi Asanid al - Jadd al - Sayyid Abbas ( Datuk set his diploma , As- Sayyid Abbas )
14 . The Al - ' Uqud Lu'luiyyah fi al - al - al - Alawiyyah Asanid ( Father set his diploma , As- Sayyid Alawi )
15 . The Al - Tali ' al - Sa'id al - Muntakhab min al - Musalsalat wa al - Asanid ( set of diploma )
16 . The Al - ' IQD al - Farid al - Mukhtasar min al - Athbah wa al - Asanid ( set of diploma )

Note the above is the book As- Sayyid Muhammad that have been produced and published . There are many more that were not mentioned and yet dicetak.Kita also did not mention how many papers have been reviewed , and published for the first time , with ta'liq (footnote ) and comments from the As- Sayyid Muhammad . As a whole , the contribution of As- Sayyid Muhammad work very agung.Banyak As- Sayyid Muhammad has been translated into various languages ​​.

Mafaheem Yujibu an- Tusahhah ( The concepts that need to be clarified ) is one of the books by Sayyid Muhammad , ed . ) Shines like a pearl sheen . This is a man who challenged his compatriots , the Salafi - Wahhabi , and refute their doctrines by using the resources of their premise .

For this intellectual courage , Sayyid Muhammad ostracized and accused of being " a heretic " . He was banned from his position as a teacher in the Haram ( ie in the Haram , Makkah , ed . ) . The books of his works banned , even his position as a professor at the Umm ul - Qura was revoked . He was arrested and his passport was arrested . However , in the face of all this, Sayyid Muhammad did not show bitterness and complaints . He never use reason and intellect in anger , but rather channeled to strengthen others with science ( knowledge ) and tasawwuf .

At the end of his life with regard to the existence of a terrorist incident in Saudi Arabia , he received an invitation from the chairman of the Grand Mosque Sheikh Abdurahman bin Alhushen pious to follow the " Hiwar Fikri " held in Makkah on tg 5 to 9 Dhul Q'idah H 1424 with the title " Al - qhuluw wal i'tidal Ruya Manhajiyyah Syamilah " , where he had the privilege to issue his opinion on thatarruf or more major ones are called teaching wing or extremist fundamentalists . And from there he has launched a book that is very popular among Saudi society entitled " Alqhuluw Dairah Wa Fil Irhab Ifsad Almujtama " . From there , he began views and thoughts about proselytizing always gets rave reviews and awards the wider community .

On 11/11/1424 , he had the opportunity to give a lecture in front of the vice king Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Amir whose contents he always underlines the sound will unite efforts of scholars and forge unity and proselytizing .

He died on Friday the 15th of Ramadan 1425 and was buried in the cemetery beside the grave of Al - Ma'la wife Lady Khadija bint Rasulullah Khuwailid ra . And he witnessed the burial of all the people that Muslims are in Mecca at that time including officials , scholars , the students who come from all over the country , both from outside Makkah or from abroad .

All of them watched the last day before he was buried , all watching him after disembahyangkan in janazah Haram ba'da evening prayers which was attended by no less than a million human beings . Similarly, for three days and three nights the house is open to the thousands of people who want to express condolences and perform ` aza ' . And in the last days ` Aza , deputy Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Amir and Amir Sultan came to his house to give condolences welcome and say goodbye to the religious leaders that can not be forgotten people .

Hopefully we can emulate him . Amien .
Please ma'af when there is a shortage and that there was error in this paper .

HOPEFULLY WE GET ALL OF blessing and ASROR AL'ALIMUL ' Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Alawi BIN ALMALIKI ALHASANI ..... BIBAROKATI WA ASRORIL FAAAAAAAAAAATIHAH ........ ( Please Read alfatihah ... )

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