Friday, May 22, 2020

Menstrual Blood

Menstrual Blood 

 Asbabun nuzul al-Qur'an verses about menstruation is the questions to the Prophet Muhammad. about the problem of women who experience menstruation.

At that time there were several laws that were applied to women who had menstruation. For Jews, the law against women who experience menstruation is very strict. They are prohibited from eating together, sitting together, even entering a house where there are women who are menstruating are also prohibited. Whereas for Christians, on the other hand, the law on women who are menstruating is very loose, no law is imposed on it.

This condition caused many people to ask the Prophet. about how you should punish women who are menstruating. Then a verse came down stating that menstrual blood was dirty so that women who were menstruating were forbidden to be sexed, and were prohibited from performing other worship services such as prayer and so on.

Menstruation that occurs in women contains less wisdom, including: with menstrual blood mixed with semen, a baby is formed, menstruation can be a sign of the completion of the iddah, menstruation can be a sign that a woman is not pregnant , and many other lessons. A woman experiences menstruation at least 9 years old or 9 years less 14 or 16 days. If you are having your period, a woman is forbidden from performing prayers, prostration of recitation, prostration of thanksgiving, towaf, fasting, i'tikaf, entering the mosque, reading the Koran, carrying or writing the Koran, rhyming '(relating body) including having fun between the navel and the knee and should not be divorced.

A woman after her menstruation is over, she is obliged to carry out mandatory bathing with certain conditions. The period of menstruation lasts at least 24 hours continuously or more than 24 hours even though intermittently but with a large amount of blood if enough blood is collected if it is released a day and night. Likewise, if you bleed for 5 to 7 days but the blood is not enough to meet the requirements for a continuous amount of blood for 24 hours, then it cannot be punished as menstrual blood. While the most menstrual period is 15 days, so if it exceeds 15 days it is called istihadhah blood.

Menstruation period generally occurs for six (6) or seven (7) days so that the sacred period ranges between 24 or 23 days. The number of days combined when the number becomes even over 30 days. The holy period between menstruation and menstruation to come has no limit, because sometimes there are women who within one year only experience menstruation once.

For example sayyidina Fatimah az-Zahra. Even when giving birth to her child at sunset until evening is already pure from the puerperium, then perform prayers. Menstrual blood varies, both in terms of nature or shape, according to the type of blood whether including strong blood or weak blood (do'if). Strong blood color that is red rather black or gray or pink. While weak blood is yellow or cloudy or liquid.

 For a woman who, when the menstruation comes, has not yet performed the prayers, then she is obliged to recite the prayers that have not been performed yet. Even for the multiple prayers, the two prayers that are offered are two.