The virtue of the month of Rajab
Minggu, 20 April 2014
GLORY AND deeds-deeds Rajab
A glimpse of the history of the Islamic calendar
Since the first , there are three barometers are used as a foothold and handhold by humans to determine the time in the world : First , by looking at the movement of the earth by the earth itself . This calculation gave birth to a matter of days .
Second , by looking at the movement of the earth to the sun , which gave birth to the solar year , the year BC ( as- sanah ash- syamsiyyah ) .
Third , by looking at the motion of the moon to the earth , who then gave birth to a matter of months ( as- sanah al - qamariyyah ) .
Syamsiyyah year is the year in which the vision is based on movement of the earth around the sun in a particular starting point , to go back again . While Qamariyyah year is based on the period surrounding the moon around the earth .
In Islam , the year used is the year by month , year qamariyyah . This is confirmed by Allah in the Qur'an :
Meaning : " They ask you about the crescent moon . Say : " The crescent moon is a sign of the time for people and ( for worship ) Hajj " ( Surat al - Baqara : 189 ) .
Number of moons together with syamsiyyah year , ie twelve months , as Allah says below :
Meaning : " Verily number months with Allah is twelve months , in the ordinance of God at the time he created the heavens and the earth , of whom four sacred months . That ( provision ) straight religion , so do not be Persecuting yourself in the four months " ( Surat at - Tawbah : 36 ) .
The names of the twelve months of the sequence is defined as follows :
Al - Muharram ( forbidden ) . So called because this month including the month that is forbidden to make war . Former name is al - Mu'tamar .
Safar ( empty , zero ) . So called , because the houses in the Arab empty of occupants as they came out to do battle once in the previous month are not allowed to fight . Name formerly Najir .
Rabi 'al- Awwal ( first spring ) . It is so called , because in the first entering spring . Name formerly Khawwan .
Late Rabi ( second spring ) . It is so called because in the former entering the second spring . Name formerly Shuwan .
Jumadal Ula ( first freeze ) . It is so called , because he called in the winter , where the water begins to freeze . Smash or former name Hanin .
Jumadal Akhirah ( freeze the second ) . It is so called , because he called in the winter , where the water begins to freeze at the second stage . Name formerly Zabba '
Rajab ( glorious , glorious ) . It is so called because in this month the Arabs glorify and exalt ago this month by conducting religious ceremonies and not allowed to make war . And this month among the sacred months . The name was formerly al - Asham .
Sha'ban ( clusters, groups ) . So called because in this month the Arabs first started swarming and flocking to return to the war and after the attack on Rajab them sitting at home , not allowed to fight . Name formerly ' Fair .
Ramadan ( very hot ) . It is so called because in this month , the air is very hot in the desert sand sehngga become very hot . Name formerly Nafiq .
Syawwal ( lift , elevate ) . So called because in this month the camels raised the tails to be fertilized , pregnant and gave birth . Name formerly Wagil .
Dhul Qa'dah ( sit , stop ) . It is so called because in this month they cease from war , because it includes the sacred months . Name formerly Huwa ' .
Dhul Hijjah ( pilgrimage ) . It is so called because in this month the people make the pilgrimage . Name formerly Burak .
At the time of the Messenger of Allah , the month names already exist , as can be encountered in many sayings of the Prophet mentions the names of the months in question. However , the name as in 1429 and so has not existed at the time of the Prophet. At that time , the name is generally associated with major events that occurred during the year , for example, there is the elephant ( ' Amul verb ) , as in the army of Abraha who rode the elephant went to Mecca to demolish the Kaaba . Even at the time of Caliph Abu Bakr Siddeeq years there has been no determination .
Only in the period of Caliph Umar ibn Khattab , the existence started naming years . Umar Bin Khattab was the one who first put Hijriyyah calendar . Ibn Hajar in Fathul Bari mentioned among the reasons why Umar did the calendar . It is said that when Abu Musa al - Ash'ari appointed governor in Iraq , and send a letter Umar , Abu Musa returned that corresponded to the letter of Caliph Umar unwritten date . Umar then immediately consult with the other companions at that time .
Some say , give the date by holding on to the time in which the Apostle appointed prophet . Most of the others , suggested that the emigration of the Prophet perpijak . Some others suggested from the Prophet 's birth , and some others of the death of the Prophet.
Umar only more amenable to the Hijra of the Prophet remember that since the Hijra clear that the differences between the right and the falsehood . Upon her agreement, the friends also disagree about the first month , most suggesting Ramadan , but Umar argued from the month of Muharram , the month is due in the period in which the people go home from the pilgrimage. Most of history is weak to say that the first time it is put Hijriyah Ya'la bin Umayya when he was governor of Yemen at the time of Caliph Umar ibn Khattab .
Month of Rajab in the Qur'an
Nothing is mentioned by Allah in the Qur'an , but rather shows something very important or special. Today , for example , in the Qur'an , of which there are seven days , God is only mentioned by Friday . In fact , on Friday as one letter in the name of the Koran . Allah says :
Meaning : "O believers , when summoned to perform the Friday prayer , Then haste ye in the remembrance of Allah and leave your purchase . Thus it is better for you if ye only knew " ( Surat al - Jumu'ah : 9 ) .
Why Friday and not others ? Because Friday has a distinctive feature , in which instance glorify God exceeds that of other days , in which Adam was created , the apocalypse will occur and so on . For this reason, it is known as Sayyidul Ayyaam Friday or King day .
In the Koran it is also , of many types and forms of voluntary prayers , but are mentioned clearly , just pray Tahajjud , and other voluntary prayers . Allah says :
Meaning : " And pray in the evening sebahagian tahajudlah you as an additional worship thee ; Hopefully your Lord will raise you to the Praiseworthy " ( Surat al - Isra : 79 ) .
Why only Tahajjud mentioned ? Because prayer Tahajud again have the privilege and advantages compared with other voluntary prayers . Therefore , tahajud an obligatory prayer to the Prophet in addition to the other five obligatory prayers . Therefore , Tahujud is Sayyidun Nawafil ( King of prayers circumcision ) .
In the Koran it is also , of twelve months , only one month sharih and expressly mentioned by Allah , the month of Ramadan . Allah states :
Meaning : " The month of Ramadan , the month in which the derived ( beginning) the Qur'an as guidance for mankind and the explanations of the clues and the difference ( between the right and the falsehood ) " ( Surat al - Baqara : 185 ) .
Why only the month of Ramadan explicitly mentioned ? Because Ramadan is a month of very privileged , where the reward be doubled , and the Qur'an was revealed . Therefore , Ramadan known as Sayyidus Syuhur ( King of months ) .
Now , if the month was mentioned in the Qur'an ? As already mentioned above , that the moon is mentioned explicitly and clearly , only the month of Ramadan . But it does not mean that the month of Rajab is not mentioned by Allah in the Qur'an . Rajab was mentioned by Allah in the Qur'an , just not explicitly , but is explicitly ( not directly ) . It is , when God talked about the sacred months , which includes one month of Rajab . God says for example :
Meaning : " Verily number months with Allah is twelve months , in the ordinance of God at the time he created the heavens and the earth , of whom four sacred months . That ( provision ) straight religion , so do not be Persecuting yourself in the four months " ( Surat at - Tawbah : 36 ) .
In fact , not only that , in the Qur'an , the author's knowledge , the sacred months mentioned by God at least five ( 5 ) paragraph . One verse , as already mentioned above ( Surat at - Tawbah : 36 ) , and fourth verses are as follows :
Meaning : " They ask thee concerning fighting in the Haram . Say : " Fight in the sacred months is a great sin " ( Surat al - Baqara : 217 ) .
Meaning : " O ye who believe, do not violate syi'ar - syi'ar God , and do not violate the honor of the forbidden months , do not ( disruptive ) animals had - yes , and the beasts Qalaa - id , and do not be ( too ) annoying to people who visit the House were they looking for a gift and keredhaan of the Lord " ( Surah Al - Maidah : 2 ) .
Meaning : "But when the sacred months , then slay the idolaters wherever you find them " ( Surat at - Tawbah : 5 ) .
Last in Sura al - Maidah verse 97 below :
Meaning : " Allah has made the Kaaba , the shrine at the center ( of worship and world affairs ) to humans , and ( so did ) months Haram , had - yes , and qalaid " (Surah Al - Maidah : 97 ) .
So what constitutes the sacred months , and whether it really Rajab included in it? In the Qur'an , Allah does not explain what months are included in the forbidden months mentioned . Messenger of Allah who explained it , and Rajab including one of them. In Saheeh Bukhari, Muslim , the Prophet said :
Meaning : " From Abu Bakrah , the Messenger of Allah said : " Verily, time is ticking, as the situation initially , on the day when God created the heavens and the earth . One year there are twelve months , of which there are four sacred months , three months consecutively , ie Dhul Qa'dah , Dhul Hijjah and Muharram , and Rajab Mudar which is the month ( the more so in terms of keharamannya ) , which is in between the two bulanJumadil ( ula and end ) and in the month of Sha'ban " ( Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim ) .
From the above hadith it is clear that the Royals were among four months Haram . In fact , some scholars Syafi'iyyah - as described Ibn Rajab in his case Lathaiful Ma'Arif 163 - judging from the four sacred months , months are the most precious and special Rajab , though Imam Nawawi and others assess the opinion of the opinion that the weak , and for Imam Nawawi , the most special is the month of Muharram . Meanwhile, according to Sa'id ibn Jubayr and others , the most precious is the month of Dhul Hijjah .
Why is it called moon Haram ?
The next question , why four months over which one of them Rajab , the month is called Haram ? The word haram in Arabic has two meanings least important , first , meaning noble , privileged , and secondly , it means the opposite of halal haram .
Therefore , when explaining why the scholars said sacred months , different opinions based on the meaning lughawi ( understanding language ) from the word haram intended .
There are at least three opinions , as to why so-called forbidden months .
The first opinion , as stated by Ibn Abbas , that because the moon is called Haram , because the glory and privilege meant months where immoral acts committed in it , and the punishment of his sin is greater than is done in other months , so too , the good that is done in them a greater reward than the good that is done in other months ( of course besides Ramadan ) .
Postulate that immoral deeds and good will torment or reward is multiplied God's word below :
Meaning : " So do you Persecuting yourself in the four months " ( Surat at - Tawbah : 36 ) .
Most scholars argue that dhamir of the word ' hunna ' above is for the four sacred months and not for the other months . Therefore , the above verse explicitly forbids acts of persecution and dhalim conducted in the forbidden months , and not only forbidden , but because of sin and punishment is greater than in other months .
If the sins committed in it multiplied , so too with the virtues ; the reward will be greater and more perfect reward doubled compared with that done in other months .
Ka'ab priest once said : " God has chosen a lot of time , but the time most favored by God is sacred months " .
The second opinion said , called the Haram months , due to the forbidden months are going to war , which has become a habit people jahiliyyah ago , even since the time of Prophet Ibrahim .
According to the second opinion , war is a tradition of the people of Jahiliyyah first , since the time of Prophet Ibrahim . They used to do a war between the tribes with clans ( tribes ) other , even for small problems . In fact , among the names of the moon , are attributed to the condition of their battle . Safar , for example , which means zero , empty , so called because they vacate the house and to make war hometown .
Sha'ban which means clustered , in groups , so called because they are aligned to make war . Muharram which means forbidden , so named , because this month they are not allowed to make war .
And since the days of Jahiliyyah first , they have to know that the four sacred months of the war they were not allowed to do . In fact , even their own parents or relatives who were killed , for example , they do not do revenge and vengeance on the sacred months mentioned .
And of the four sacred months , the people of Jahiliyyah more respect again when the month of Rajab . They really did not do a form of warfare , any dispute or hate . Therefore , in the above hadith of Bukhari Muslim , the Prophet called it the word of Rajab Mudar , which means more in terms of exaltation and respect ( Kanat taziidu wah fi ta'zhiimih tiroomih ) .
This second opinion also strengthens his argument by saying , that God in the Qur'an confirms the nature of evil and the ugly ones jahiliyyah formerly called late - nasii ' .
According to Ibn Zayd ibn Aslam quoted by Ibn Rajab (p. 163 ) , an- nasii ' is replaced most sacred months with other months to continue the war . The Arabs first , when it is the responsibility to do battle , for example, war at the end of the month Jumada , and the war has not been completed , they continued to battle until the month of Rajab ( including the month of Rajab whereas Haram ) , then they quit the prohibited month to month Sya ' tire , so in the month of Sha'ban, they make it as illegitimate , which should not be at war . And so on , so that the months it kept changing . And not only that , the rules are modified by their own , then the order in the Arab world when it becomes chaotic and traffic severely disrupted trade . Therefore, Allah confirms that an action - nasii ' it is the addition in disbelief . Allah states :
Meaning : " Verily postponement of the Haram - month delay the ( late - nasii ' ) is adding disbelief . misled people to postpone - delay the unbelievers , they menghalalkannya in a year and mengharamkannya in another , so that they can mempersesuaikan with God mengharamkannya numbers , so they justify what Allah has forbidden . ( Satan ) made their deeds that they looked bad . and Allah does not guide the disbelieving people " ( Surat at - Tawbah : 37 ) .
This verse became stronger postulate for a second opinion , that because the so-called sacred months , because not being allowed ( haram ) to do battle in the months in question.
The third opinion , as told by Ibn Hajar al - Baari Asqalany in Fathul , called the sacred months , because in these months is closely related to the implementation of the Hajj and Umrah . Because there hajj and umrah , then the Arabs do not do any form of violence , whether war , rob , tripped in the middle of the road or war . In fact , they assess the fourth month is the month in question glorious time for sacred worship , Hajj and Umrah .
Month of Dhul Qa'dah including sacred months , because in that month , people started to travel towards Makkah to perform the pilgrimage . In the month of Dhul Hijjah , including the sacred months , because the month is the month of Hajj implementation . Month of Muharram , also including the sacred months , because in the time of the return of the pilgrims , and including the sacred months of Rajab , because in those times meant perform Umrah worship , where rajab was in the middle of the month , and a time very appropriate to perform Umrah , especially for those who live near Mecca .
Therefore , the fourth month called sacred months , because it is closely related to the hajj and umrah , which long ago , generally journey requires a very long time .
Third opinion above , to the author , can be combined , by saying that the so-called sacred months , including the months since a very precious and special , and precious and special because of that, it is not allowed to commit crimes , especially violent warfare . This is because the forbidden months are closely related to the implementation of the Hajj and Umrah , Hajj and Umrah which is very isitimewa sacred worship , and those who obstruct or interfere with or contaminate the execution time , then the punishment will be very severe in the sight of Allah later .
A glimpse of the history of the Islamic calendar
Since the first , there are three barometers are used as a foothold and handhold by humans to determine the time in the world : First , by looking at the movement of the earth by the earth itself . This calculation gave birth to a matter of days .
Second , by looking at the movement of the earth to the sun , which gave birth to the solar year , the year BC ( as- sanah ash- syamsiyyah ) .
Third , by looking at the motion of the moon to the earth , who then gave birth to a matter of months ( as- sanah al - qamariyyah ) .
Syamsiyyah year is the year in which the vision is based on movement of the earth around the sun in a particular starting point , to go back again . While Qamariyyah year is based on the period surrounding the moon around the earth .
In Islam , the year used is the year by month , year qamariyyah . This is confirmed by Allah in the Qur'an :
Meaning : " They ask you about the crescent moon . Say : " The crescent moon is a sign of the time for people and ( for worship ) Hajj " ( Surat al - Baqara : 189 ) .
Number of moons together with syamsiyyah year , ie twelve months , as Allah says below :
Meaning : " Verily number months with Allah is twelve months , in the ordinance of God at the time he created the heavens and the earth , of whom four sacred months . That ( provision ) straight religion , so do not be Persecuting yourself in the four months " ( Surat at - Tawbah : 36 ) .
The names of the twelve months of the sequence is defined as follows :
Al - Muharram ( forbidden ) . So called because this month including the month that is forbidden to make war . Former name is al - Mu'tamar .
Safar ( empty , zero ) . So called , because the houses in the Arab empty of occupants as they came out to do battle once in the previous month are not allowed to fight . Name formerly Najir .
Rabi 'al- Awwal ( first spring ) . It is so called , because in the first entering spring . Name formerly Khawwan .
Late Rabi ( second spring ) . It is so called because in the former entering the second spring . Name formerly Shuwan .
Jumadal Ula ( first freeze ) . It is so called , because he called in the winter , where the water begins to freeze . Smash or former name Hanin .
Jumadal Akhirah ( freeze the second ) . It is so called , because he called in the winter , where the water begins to freeze at the second stage . Name formerly Zabba '
Rajab ( glorious , glorious ) . It is so called because in this month the Arabs glorify and exalt ago this month by conducting religious ceremonies and not allowed to make war . And this month among the sacred months . The name was formerly al - Asham .
Sha'ban ( clusters, groups ) . So called because in this month the Arabs first started swarming and flocking to return to the war and after the attack on Rajab them sitting at home , not allowed to fight . Name formerly ' Fair .
Ramadan ( very hot ) . It is so called because in this month , the air is very hot in the desert sand sehngga become very hot . Name formerly Nafiq .
Syawwal ( lift , elevate ) . So called because in this month the camels raised the tails to be fertilized , pregnant and gave birth . Name formerly Wagil .
Dhul Qa'dah ( sit , stop ) . It is so called because in this month they cease from war , because it includes the sacred months . Name formerly Huwa ' .
Dhul Hijjah ( pilgrimage ) . It is so called because in this month the people make the pilgrimage . Name formerly Burak .
At the time of the Messenger of Allah , the month names already exist , as can be encountered in many sayings of the Prophet mentions the names of the months in question. However , the name as in 1429 and so has not existed at the time of the Prophet. At that time , the name is generally associated with major events that occurred during the year , for example, there is the elephant ( ' Amul verb ) , as in the army of Abraha who rode the elephant went to Mecca to demolish the Kaaba . Even at the time of Caliph Abu Bakr Siddeeq years there has been no determination .
Only in the period of Caliph Umar ibn Khattab , the existence started naming years . Umar Bin Khattab was the one who first put Hijriyyah calendar . Ibn Hajar in Fathul Bari mentioned among the reasons why Umar did the calendar . It is said that when Abu Musa al - Ash'ari appointed governor in Iraq , and send a letter Umar , Abu Musa returned that corresponded to the letter of Caliph Umar unwritten date . Umar then immediately consult with the other companions at that time .
Some say , give the date by holding on to the time in which the Apostle appointed prophet . Most of the others , suggested that the emigration of the Prophet perpijak . Some others suggested from the Prophet 's birth , and some others of the death of the Prophet.
Umar only more amenable to the Hijra of the Prophet remember that since the Hijra clear that the differences between the right and the falsehood . Upon her agreement, the friends also disagree about the first month , most suggesting Ramadan , but Umar argued from the month of Muharram , the month is due in the period in which the people go home from the pilgrimage. Most of history is weak to say that the first time it is put Hijriyah Ya'la bin Umayya when he was governor of Yemen at the time of Caliph Umar ibn Khattab .
Month of Rajab in the Qur'an
Nothing is mentioned by Allah in the Qur'an , but rather shows something very important or special. Today , for example , in the Qur'an , of which there are seven days , God is only mentioned by Friday . In fact , on Friday as one letter in the name of the Koran . Allah says :
Meaning : "O believers , when summoned to perform the Friday prayer , Then haste ye in the remembrance of Allah and leave your purchase . Thus it is better for you if ye only knew " ( Surat al - Jumu'ah : 9 ) .
Why Friday and not others ? Because Friday has a distinctive feature , in which instance glorify God exceeds that of other days , in which Adam was created , the apocalypse will occur and so on . For this reason, it is known as Sayyidul Ayyaam Friday or King day .
In the Koran it is also , of many types and forms of voluntary prayers , but are mentioned clearly , just pray Tahajjud , and other voluntary prayers . Allah says :
Meaning : " And pray in the evening sebahagian tahajudlah you as an additional worship thee ; Hopefully your Lord will raise you to the Praiseworthy " ( Surat al - Isra : 79 ) .
Why only Tahajjud mentioned ? Because prayer Tahajud again have the privilege and advantages compared with other voluntary prayers . Therefore , tahajud an obligatory prayer to the Prophet in addition to the other five obligatory prayers . Therefore , Tahujud is Sayyidun Nawafil ( King of prayers circumcision ) .
In the Koran it is also , of twelve months , only one month sharih and expressly mentioned by Allah , the month of Ramadan . Allah states :
Meaning : " The month of Ramadan , the month in which the derived ( beginning) the Qur'an as guidance for mankind and the explanations of the clues and the difference ( between the right and the falsehood ) " ( Surat al - Baqara : 185 ) .
Why only the month of Ramadan explicitly mentioned ? Because Ramadan is a month of very privileged , where the reward be doubled , and the Qur'an was revealed . Therefore , Ramadan known as Sayyidus Syuhur ( King of months ) .
Now , if the month was mentioned in the Qur'an ? As already mentioned above , that the moon is mentioned explicitly and clearly , only the month of Ramadan . But it does not mean that the month of Rajab is not mentioned by Allah in the Qur'an . Rajab was mentioned by Allah in the Qur'an , just not explicitly , but is explicitly ( not directly ) . It is , when God talked about the sacred months , which includes one month of Rajab . God says for example :
Meaning : " Verily number months with Allah is twelve months , in the ordinance of God at the time he created the heavens and the earth , of whom four sacred months . That ( provision ) straight religion , so do not be Persecuting yourself in the four months " ( Surat at - Tawbah : 36 ) .
In fact , not only that , in the Qur'an , the author's knowledge , the sacred months mentioned by God at least five ( 5 ) paragraph . One verse , as already mentioned above ( Surat at - Tawbah : 36 ) , and fourth verses are as follows :
Meaning : " They ask thee concerning fighting in the Haram . Say : " Fight in the sacred months is a great sin " ( Surat al - Baqara : 217 ) .
Meaning : " O ye who believe, do not violate syi'ar - syi'ar God , and do not violate the honor of the forbidden months , do not ( disruptive ) animals had - yes , and the beasts Qalaa - id , and do not be ( too ) annoying to people who visit the House were they looking for a gift and keredhaan of the Lord " ( Surah Al - Maidah : 2 ) .
Meaning : "But when the sacred months , then slay the idolaters wherever you find them " ( Surat at - Tawbah : 5 ) .
Last in Sura al - Maidah verse 97 below :
Meaning : " Allah has made the Kaaba , the shrine at the center ( of worship and world affairs ) to humans , and ( so did ) months Haram , had - yes , and qalaid " (Surah Al - Maidah : 97 ) .
So what constitutes the sacred months , and whether it really Rajab included in it? In the Qur'an , Allah does not explain what months are included in the forbidden months mentioned . Messenger of Allah who explained it , and Rajab including one of them. In Saheeh Bukhari, Muslim , the Prophet said :
Meaning : " From Abu Bakrah , the Messenger of Allah said : " Verily, time is ticking, as the situation initially , on the day when God created the heavens and the earth . One year there are twelve months , of which there are four sacred months , three months consecutively , ie Dhul Qa'dah , Dhul Hijjah and Muharram , and Rajab Mudar which is the month ( the more so in terms of keharamannya ) , which is in between the two bulanJumadil ( ula and end ) and in the month of Sha'ban " ( Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim ) .
From the above hadith it is clear that the Royals were among four months Haram . In fact , some scholars Syafi'iyyah - as described Ibn Rajab in his case Lathaiful Ma'Arif 163 - judging from the four sacred months , months are the most precious and special Rajab , though Imam Nawawi and others assess the opinion of the opinion that the weak , and for Imam Nawawi , the most special is the month of Muharram . Meanwhile, according to Sa'id ibn Jubayr and others , the most precious is the month of Dhul Hijjah .
Why is it called moon Haram ?
The next question , why four months over which one of them Rajab , the month is called Haram ? The word haram in Arabic has two meanings least important , first , meaning noble , privileged , and secondly , it means the opposite of halal haram .
Therefore , when explaining why the scholars said sacred months , different opinions based on the meaning lughawi ( understanding language ) from the word haram intended .
There are at least three opinions , as to why so-called forbidden months .
The first opinion , as stated by Ibn Abbas , that because the moon is called Haram , because the glory and privilege meant months where immoral acts committed in it , and the punishment of his sin is greater than is done in other months , so too , the good that is done in them a greater reward than the good that is done in other months ( of course besides Ramadan ) .
Postulate that immoral deeds and good will torment or reward is multiplied God's word below :
Meaning : " So do you Persecuting yourself in the four months " ( Surat at - Tawbah : 36 ) .
Most scholars argue that dhamir of the word ' hunna ' above is for the four sacred months and not for the other months . Therefore , the above verse explicitly forbids acts of persecution and dhalim conducted in the forbidden months , and not only forbidden , but because of sin and punishment is greater than in other months .
If the sins committed in it multiplied , so too with the virtues ; the reward will be greater and more perfect reward doubled compared with that done in other months .
Ka'ab priest once said : " God has chosen a lot of time , but the time most favored by God is sacred months " .
The second opinion said , called the Haram months , due to the forbidden months are going to war , which has become a habit people jahiliyyah ago , even since the time of Prophet Ibrahim .
According to the second opinion , war is a tradition of the people of Jahiliyyah first , since the time of Prophet Ibrahim . They used to do a war between the tribes with clans ( tribes ) other , even for small problems . In fact , among the names of the moon , are attributed to the condition of their battle . Safar , for example , which means zero , empty , so called because they vacate the house and to make war hometown .
Sha'ban which means clustered , in groups , so called because they are aligned to make war . Muharram which means forbidden , so named , because this month they are not allowed to make war .
And since the days of Jahiliyyah first , they have to know that the four sacred months of the war they were not allowed to do . In fact , even their own parents or relatives who were killed , for example , they do not do revenge and vengeance on the sacred months mentioned .
And of the four sacred months , the people of Jahiliyyah more respect again when the month of Rajab . They really did not do a form of warfare , any dispute or hate . Therefore , in the above hadith of Bukhari Muslim , the Prophet called it the word of Rajab Mudar , which means more in terms of exaltation and respect ( Kanat taziidu wah fi ta'zhiimih tiroomih ) .
This second opinion also strengthens his argument by saying , that God in the Qur'an confirms the nature of evil and the ugly ones jahiliyyah formerly called late - nasii ' .
According to Ibn Zayd ibn Aslam quoted by Ibn Rajab (p. 163 ) , an- nasii ' is replaced most sacred months with other months to continue the war . The Arabs first , when it is the responsibility to do battle , for example, war at the end of the month Jumada , and the war has not been completed , they continued to battle until the month of Rajab ( including the month of Rajab whereas Haram ) , then they quit the prohibited month to month Sya ' tire , so in the month of Sha'ban, they make it as illegitimate , which should not be at war . And so on , so that the months it kept changing . And not only that , the rules are modified by their own , then the order in the Arab world when it becomes chaotic and traffic severely disrupted trade . Therefore, Allah confirms that an action - nasii ' it is the addition in disbelief . Allah states :
Meaning : " Verily postponement of the Haram - month delay the ( late - nasii ' ) is adding disbelief . misled people to postpone - delay the unbelievers , they menghalalkannya in a year and mengharamkannya in another , so that they can mempersesuaikan with God mengharamkannya numbers , so they justify what Allah has forbidden . ( Satan ) made their deeds that they looked bad . and Allah does not guide the disbelieving people " ( Surat at - Tawbah : 37 ) .
This verse became stronger postulate for a second opinion , that because the so-called sacred months , because not being allowed ( haram ) to do battle in the months in question.
The third opinion , as told by Ibn Hajar al - Baari Asqalany in Fathul , called the sacred months , because in these months is closely related to the implementation of the Hajj and Umrah . Because there hajj and umrah , then the Arabs do not do any form of violence , whether war , rob , tripped in the middle of the road or war . In fact , they assess the fourth month is the month in question glorious time for sacred worship , Hajj and Umrah .
Month of Dhul Qa'dah including sacred months , because in that month , people started to travel towards Makkah to perform the pilgrimage . In the month of Dhul Hijjah , including the sacred months , because the month is the month of Hajj implementation . Month of Muharram , also including the sacred months , because in the time of the return of the pilgrims , and including the sacred months of Rajab , because in those times meant perform Umrah worship , where rajab was in the middle of the month , and a time very appropriate to perform Umrah , especially for those who live near Mecca .
Therefore , the fourth month called sacred months , because it is closely related to the hajj and umrah , which long ago , generally journey requires a very long time .
Third opinion above , to the author , can be combined , by saying that the so-called sacred months , including the months since a very precious and special , and precious and special because of that, it is not allowed to commit crimes , especially violent warfare . This is because the forbidden months are closely related to the implementation of the Hajj and Umrah , Hajj and Umrah which is very isitimewa sacred worship , and those who obstruct or interfere with or contaminate the execution time , then the punishment will be very severe in the sight of Allah later .
Meaning and the names of the month of Rajab .
According to Imam al - Ash'amy , imam of al - Imam al - Mufadhal and Fura , rajab , meaning noble and great . So named , because the angels always exalt and glorify the month with more reading reproduce tahmid and rosary to God ( liannal malaaikah tatarajjab littasbiih wat tahmiid fiih ) .
Imam al - Syatha in his book I'aanatut Thaalibin ( 2/307 ) , also said that the word is taken from the word rajab at - tarjiib meaning at - ta'zhiim , glorified , exalted . So named because the ancient Arabs glorify and mengagungkannya exceeded other months . In fact , the people jahiliyyah ago , making it among the feast , and the crowd rushed perform sacrifices with al'atiirah name .
While associated with the names of the months of Rajab , some scholars such as Imam Abu Bakr ibn as- Sayyid Muhammad Syatha ad- Dimyathi in his book I'aanatut Thaalibin ( 2/307 ) , said , Month of Rajab has fourteen ( 14 ) the name , and partly again said there were seventeen ( 17 ) names , namely :
1 . Syahrullah ( Moon God ) . So named because of the month of Rajab including Haram , which glorify God and forbids wars in it . Because of this , called the Month of Rajab Allah ( syahrullah ) .
2 . Rajab ( glorious , glorious ) , so named because of the angels on this month over glorify God by way of more memperbanyka tahmid and beads .
3 . Rajab Mudar ( really , more glory and keharamannya ) . Named so, because Rajab is more noble seen by the Arabs earlier than the other sacred months .
4 . Munshil Asnah ( removing children penah ) . So called because in this month , the people of Jahiliyyah not make war , they let go of all the attributes of the war , including his arrows .
5 . Asham ( deaf ) . Named so, because in this month the Arabs were not to hear the sounds of weapons , war .
6 . Ashab ( hit , get ) . Named so, because in that month , a lot of kindness and profit that can be achieved , especially those who hold trade , or other business , because the moon is safe , there was no fighting . Most of the others said , called Ashab , because in this God does not torture any one ummah . However , this opinion is refuted by saying that God drowned Noah's people , also in the month of Rajab , because the opinion is not correct , as quoted by Imam al - Bujairamy in his book al - Bujairamy Hasyiyah ' alal Khatiib chapter diyat ( 12/44 ) .
Meanwhile, according to Imam Abdurrahman as- Shafury in his book Nuzhat Al Majaalis ( p. 222 ) , called the Ashab , due this month , mercy , compassion God really poured with a very heavy to His servants .
7 . Munfis ( beautiful and good ) . So called because in this month the scenery is very beautiful and nice , orderly , organized , people quietly doing daily activities and so forth , because there was no fighting in it .
8 . Muthahhir (purify , cleanse ) . So named , because the Arabs first clean themselves by performing Umrah worship , or cleanse themselves of warfare that month.
9 . Ma'la ( high places ) . Called so , because this month , people lift each other and respect each other , and to place it on a high and glorious place . So even if there are mistakes, they did not retaliate .
10 . Muqiim ( silence ) . So named , because the Arabs first sit at home , do not make war .
11 . Haram ( frail , elderly ) . Named so, because in this month the Arabs as people who are frail and elderly , they remain silent in ruamh , not make war .
12 . Muqasyqisy ( maintained ) . So called because in this month the people of war maintained , so the traffic is smooth trade and life became normal.
13 . Mubri ( free, loose ) . So called because in this month the Arabs first releasing the tools of war , and in spite of the war .
14 . Fard ( alone ) . So named , because the sacred months of Rajab is solitary , not in conjunction with other forbidden months . While Dhul Qa'dah , Dhul Hijjah and Muharram is forbidden months are hand in hand with each other .
While those who argue there were seventeen names , three names are:
1 . Rajim ( stoning , stoned ) . So called because in this month the Arabs pelted the devil so that the devil does not hurt people choice ( the trustees ) , and righteous people .
2 . Munshil al - Alah ( releasing the tools of war ) . So named , because they are Arabs in this release all the tools of war .
3 . Munzi ' al - Asnah ( unplug arrows ) . So called , because the Arabs first release , and deprive children of their arrows , as a sign of war does not occur in the month .
The specialty of the month of Rajab
There are several features of the month of Rajab , among which are :
1 . Including sacred months of Rajab month .
As already mentioned above , that the sacred months is a very precious months and privileged , hence God mentions in the Qur'an no less than five paragraphs . Including the sacred months of Rajab , based on the following hadith :
Meaning : " From Abu Bakrah , the Messenger of Allah said : " Verily, time is ticking, as the situation initially , on the day when God created the heavens and the earth . One year there are twelve months , of which there are four sacred months , three months consecutively , ie Dhul Qa'dah , Dhul Hijjah and Muharram , and Rajab Mudar which is the month ( the more so in terms of keharamannya ) , which is in between the two bulanJumadil ( ula and end ) and in the month of Sha'ban " ( Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim ) .
2 . Months of Rajab called Moon God ( syahrullaah ) .
Syahrullah , means the moon God . Not merely the name ascribed to God , but for something special . It is , as mentioned in a hadith narrated by Imam as- Mursal Syuyuthi in his book al - Jami as- Shagir , delivered three consecutive months , each belonging to certain parties ; Rajab , Sha'ban and Ramadan . Rajab is the month of Allah , Sha'ban month of the Prophet , and Ramadan month of the ummah of the Prophet . In this case the Messenger of Allah said :
Meaning : " Hasan al -Basri said , The Messenger of Allah said : " Month of Rajab is the month of Allah , Sha'ban is my moon , and Ramadan is the month of my ummah " .
Opinion of the writer , called the month of Rajab of God , because the month of Rajab , including the Moon is very precious , because it is the good that is done in it , the reward will be doubled , on the contrary , the crimes done in it , will also doubled the punishment and sin .
While the so-called month of Sha'ban is why the Messenger of Allah , because the Prophet in doing a lot of voluntary fast . In fact , mentioned in a history , he did fasting during the entire month of Sha'ban, or most of it . That is why the Prophet called it ' my moon ' .
While Ramadan is called the month of my ummah , because in the Prophet 's ummah harvest the reward . Worship anything done in it , the reward is doubled than in other months . Umrah in it , the reward is equal to perform Hajj , voluntary prayers performed during Ramadan , the reward equal to the reward of compulsory prayers , and the reward of the obligatory prayer multiplied into a seven -fold from the obligatory prayers at other times . Therefore, it is inappropriate when the month of Ramadan is called the month of my ummah , because we as the Ummah Prophet actually harvest reward and kindness .
3 . Months noblest among other sacred months .
As has been alluded to above authors , that some scholars syafi'iyyah found Rajab is the month of the most glorious in comparison with other forbidden months , though this opinion is disputed by Imam Nawawi , and he is more merajihkan month of Muharram as the most special of the month forbidden months .
4 . Including one of the five nights efficacious time to pray .
Imam Shafi'i once said , that there are five highly efficacious night to pray , among them the first night of the month of Rajab .
Meaning : " It has reached us that the history of the two it would ( more than likely to ) be granted on five nights : On Friday night , the night of Eid ul-Fitr , Eid al- Adha night , early evening in Rajab , Sha'ban and the night Nishfu . Imam Shafi'i said again : " And I'm very stressed ( to multiply prayer ) on the whole night which I have mentioned earlier " .
5 . Occurrence of events paramount Ascension of the Prophet.
Some scholars argue that , the Ascension of the Prophet occurred in the month of Rajab , precisely on the evening of the 27th of the month of Rajab . It shows that the month of Rajab is a very special month , and therefore God chose it as the right time for the implementation of the Ascension of the Prophet. And , as it is known, Ascension is a very important event in Islam , where the event was down command obligatory five daily prayers .
6 . Rajab is the abbreviation of Rahmatullah ( love saying God ) , juudullah ( generosity of God ) and birrullaah ( goodness of God ) .
Imam Abdurrahman bin Abdus Salam as- Shafury Shafi'i in his book Nuzhat Al Majaalis Muntakhab wa an- Nafais (p. 222 ) says that the word Rajab which consists of three letters ra , jim and ba , which stands Rahmatullah ( love saying God ) , Juudullaah ( generosity of God ) and birrullah ( goodness of God ) .
According to him , that in the month of Rajab , God will pour out His mercy , generosity and kindness - kindness , certainly for those who fill it with lots of goodness .
7 . Months rajab is key to goodness and blessings other blessings months .
Among the blessed month and full of goodness is the month of Sha'ban and Ramadan . The first key to gain blessings and goodness in the second month of the above , is the month of Rajab . That is, if the month in the month of Rajab is already filled with benevolence and devotion , then the goodness and blessings in the month of Sha'ban and Ramadan , will be easily achieved .
Imam Abu Bakr al - Warraq al - Balakhy as quoted by Ibn Rajab in Lathaiful Maarif (p. 176 ) , says :
Meaning : " Month of Rajab is the month for planting ( goodness ) , the month of Sha'ban is the month for watering plants ( goodness ) , and the month of Ramadan is the month to harvest crops intended " .
On another occasion , Imam al - Balakhy also once said :
Meaning : " Month of Rajab, like angina , being the month of Sha'ban is like a cloud , and the month of Ramadan as rain ( rain full of goodness and blessings ) ."
8 . Months of Rajab , in the month of liberation from the fire of hell .
In addition to the month of Ramadan , according to some scholars , the month was also the month in which the God will set people free from the torment of hell . Therefore , as already mentioned above , some scholars say , that in this God will not punish or mengadzab servant .
Therefore, some scholars of yore really hope to die this month . Ibn Rajab (p. 176 ) tells a story , there is a righteous scholars sick before the month of Rajab . Then the cleric recalled : " Verily I pray to God , that God mengakhirkan my death in the month of Rajab , because there is a history to say that in the month of Rajab , Allah will free people from the torment of the future " . God hears even the pious servant earlier , he died in the month of Rajab . Allahu akbar .
Deeds-deeds in the month of Rajab
As already mentioned above , that the month of Rajab , was among months were very honored by God . In fact , according to some Syafi'iyyah , it is the most glorious month compared with the other forbidden months .
Therefore, this month is very precious months , then any kindness yan done in it will certainly reward is very great in comparison doubled and other months , in addition to Ramadan .
To that end , the scholars since the first very real concern for this blessed month filled with rituals that are extremely diverse, ranging from prayer , fasting , charity , reading the Qur'an , friendship , helping others , until the implementation of the Umrah . Here , among the important practice that should be done in order to fill in the month of Rajab , the month full of blessings and full moon goodness .
1 . Pray that blessed month of Sha'ban and Ramadan can follow
Among the usual practice by the Prophet in the month of Rajab , was given a blessing to pray for the month of Rajab and Sha'ban , and to be reunited with the month of Ramadan . Commonly recited prayer Prophet is :
Cor baarik lanaa fi Rajab wa rojab , wa ballignaa romadhan
Meaning : " O Allah , bless us in Rajab , Sha'ban is also in our age and Convey to the month of Ramadan " .
It is , as mentioned in the following hadith :
Meaning : " Anas bin Malik said : " It is the Messenger of Allah when he enters the month of Rajab , he likes to pray : " Allahumma wa baarik lanaa fi rajab Sha'ban , Ramadan ballignaa wa ( O Allah , bless us in Rajab , also in the month this Sha'ban and Convey our age to the month of Ramadan ) " ( Narrated by Ahmad , Tabarani and al - Bazzar ) .
According to Imam Abdul Ghani bin Ismail an- Nablusi in his book , al - Ayyaam was Fadhail - Syuhuur (p. 29 ) says that this hadith is also narrated by Imam ad - Dailami in his Musnad al - Firdaus , narrated by three roads from Anas ibn Malik . And the hadiths that exist in the book Musnad al - Firdaus is hadith is weak , but it can be done and practiced during the chapter relating to the primacy of charitable deeds , Fadhailul Charity .
Imam Nawawi also in the introduction of his Sharh Muslim asserted , that the hadith is weak can be used in chapter virtue deeds ( chapter Fadhailul a'maal ) .
Prayer above should be read over and over again when we enter the month of Rajab and Sha'ban . The more reading , of course the greater the reward . Blessings in the month of Rajab , in the month of Sha'ban blessing , and can see the month of Ramadan , are the three things that are expected by all Muslims . Prayer above should also be read after each obligatory prayer , or at times of leisure while dhikr or finished reading the Koran .
In addition to the prayer , there is another prayer that is read by the companions of the month of Rajab and Sha'ban , as stated by Yahya ibn Abi Kathir , as cited by Ibn Rajab in his Lathaiful Maarif ( p. 202 ) , namely :
Cor sallimnii ilaa Ramadan , Ramadan lii salllim wa , wa sallimhu minni mutaqabbalaa .
Meaning : " O Allah , save and Convey ( age ) i to the month of Ramadan , Ramadan , and save me , and save my deeds-deeds during Ramadan so that it can be accepted " .
2 . Repent and beg forgiveness for all the sins and errors .
Rajab is the first key to foster kindness and obedience plant that can be harvested in the month of Ramadan later . Therefore , in addition to nurture and cultivate kindness is certainly beg forgiveness for all sins by way of repentance or forgiveness reproduce , are among the things that should be done .
Ideally , before planting kindness , forgiveness and repentance is the main requirement . Prior to doing obedience , a servant is highly recommended to confess all the sins and errors , plus beg for forgiveness for all the mistakes and sins mentioned . And , in the month of Rajab it should be more and more frequent .
Therefore , some scholars , such as Imam Abdurrahman as- Shafury in his book Nuzhat Al Majaalis ( p. 222 ) , says that this is the month of Rajab for forgiveness for all the sins and errors ( listighfaarid dzunuub ) , Sha'ban to cover any disgrace ( lisatril ' uyuub ) , and the month of Ramadan to explain the hearts and minds ( litanwiiril quluub ) .
Put differently , the month of Rajab is the month of forgiveness from God ( maghfirah minallaah ) , Sha'ban is the month of God 's help ( Syafa'atullah ) , and the month of Ramadan is the month dilipatgandakannya perfect reward ( tadh'iful hasanaat ) .
In addition , the scholars also say : Rajab is the month to repent ( Tawbah syahrut ) , Sha'ban month to sow affection ( Syahrul mahabbah ) , and Ramadan is the month to get closer to God ( Syahrul qurbah ) .
Therefore , it is among the deeds that need to be propagated in the month of Rajab is repent and beg forgiveness for all the sins and errors ( forgiveness ) .
Imam Ali ra once said : " Expand istighfar in the month of Rajab , because at any time in the month of Rajab , there are people who will be freed by Allah from the torment of hell " .
3 . Perform as many voluntary prayers and sekhusyu ' possible .
As explained earlier , that among these are privileges Rajab , the month chosen by God for important events Ascension of the Prophet. And the core of the existence of this event , is a compulsory five daily prayers . Therefore , it is more important practice that needs to be done in order to fill in the month of Rajab is the voluntary prayers as often as possible , ranging from Duha , Tahajjud , Witr , Hajat , Tasbih , Rawatib and others .
In a hadith is weak , as quoted by Imam Abdurrahman as- Shafury in his book Nuzhat Al Majaalis ( p. 218 ) , from Tsauban , bahwasannya Prophet while passing a cemetery complex . Prophet suddenly cried as he said : "O Tsauban , they are currently being tortured in the grave , then I pray to God to God to relieve their torment . O Tsauban , if they fasted for one day in the month of Rajab , they also do a one-time night prayers ( tahajjud ) , of course they will not be tortured in his grave like this " .
Tsauban then asked : " O Messenger of Allah , with one day of fasting and prayer tahajud one time only in the month of Rajab , may prevent the punishment of the grave ? " .
The Prophet replied : "Yes , for me that are in His power , not a single Muslim or any Muslim who fasts for one day or evening prayers once in the month of Rajab , but Allah will record for him a reward as someone who worship one years , where he fasted afternoon and evening prayers tahajud he continues " .
Some scholars suggest anyone to perform prayers Sunant Ragaib . Ragaib voluntary prayer is voluntary prayer performed on the first Friday evening after Maghrib and Isha prayers before , in the month of Rajab .
This Ragaib prayer was delivered by Imam al - Ghazali in his book Ihya ' Ulumiddin chapter an- nawaafil ( voluntary prayers : 1/202 ) , citing a hadith below :
Meaning : "The Messenger of Allah said : " There is no one else who fasted on the first Thursday in Rajab , and the prayer of circumcision between Isha and dark night time , as many as twelve cycles , which every two cycles separated by greetings . Then every Rakat read al - Fatiha letter one time , the letter al - Qadr 3 times , al - Ikhlas 12 times , and when it finishes his prayer , reading as much as 70 times the following blessings : Allaoohumma Shalli ' alaa Muhammadinin Nabiyyil Ummiyyi wa ' alaa aalihii , then prostrate while reading the following prayer beads as much as 70 times : subbuhun quddusun ruuh Lord of malaaikati war , then rise from the prostration , as much as 70 times while reading the following prayer : ' robbighfir Warham tajaawaz wa ' ammaa ta'lam , innakal a'azzul akram ( O Allah , forgive all sin , love and forgive all the mistakes of what Eukau know , because Eukau Gallant , Most Venerable Maha ) , then bow down once again while reading the passage as the first prostration , then still in prostration , he prayed to God all the hunger keperluaannya , then God will grant all the hunger and needs " .
However, this hadith assessed by Imam al - ' Iraqy in his book al - Ihyaa Takhrij Ahaadits ( 2/129 ) , as the hadith maudhu ' who can not hold onto the law . Therefore , considering this involves legal issues , it certainly should be based on the hadeeth , and therefore , not justified Ragaib prayer done .
Jumhur scholars as cited by Ibn Rajab (p. 171 ) , including one Salat Ragaib madzmumah bid'ah ( reprehensible bid'ah ) which should be avoided . Imam Nawawi in al - Majmu'nya also quoted as saying by Imam heated debate over its Muhtaj Mughnil chapter in voluntary prayers ( salat an- nafl chapter : 3/151 ) , also mengkatagorikannya madzmumah heresy ( heresy is reprehensible ) .
To that end , the prayers Ragaib this should not be done , and replaced with a voluntary prayer - prayer other voluntary obviously masyru , such tahajud , Duha , witr , and other necessities .
4 . Increase voluntary fast .
Includes practice that should be done in the month of Rajab is doing a voluntary fast as possible , either on Mondays and Thursdays , David or fasting full moon ( the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the month of Rajab ) . Is voluntary fast in addition to the above , there may be other voluntary fasting in Rajab because the glory of the moon is ?
Regarding this issue , Ibn Rajab al - Hanbali (pp. 171-173 ) says many opinions on this matter , among which allow and not allow . However, some scholars of the Salaf , as Ibn Umar , Hasan al -Basri , and Abu Ishak as- Subai'i , he continued , regular fasting in the forbidden months throughout the whole month .
In fact , Imam ats - Tsaury once said : " The months haram ( including Rajab ) is my favorite month for fasting in it " .
This opinion , based on history is weak hadith Ibn Majah , bahwasannya Prophet once said : " Puasalah the forbidden months " .
While Ibn Abbas , Ibn Umar , Sa'id bin Jubair , Yahya ibn Sa'id al - Anshary , also Anas bin Malik , as quoted by Ibn Rajab ( p. 173 ) , they assess Makruh voluntary fasting in Rajab a full month . Therefore , Ibn Umar and Ibn Abbas , sometimes appeared in front of the people are not fasting a few days in the month of Rajab .
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal also once said : " Makruh perform a full month of fasting in the month of Rajab , but should break the ( not fasting ) one or two days " .
Imam Shafi'i in his qadim qaul also argued : "I consider makruh someone who fasted the whole month of Rajab month , as fasting during Ramadan , because in a hadith by Bukhari, Muslim , Aisha said : " I never saw the Messenger of Allah fasting a full month apart in the month of Ramadan alone " .
Imam Shafi'i then forward the words : "I consider makruh above , so that ordinary people do not consider that fasting Rajab is something that must be , but if it does so well ( full fasting in Rajab ) , then it works well " .
Of diverse opinions on the above, the opinion of the author , a person is allowed to do voluntary fasting in Rajab as much as possible , it's just that , not merely because he was fasting month Rajabnya , but because of its sacred months , Rajab in which one of them.
However , if you take the better opinion that out of the above differences , such as only voluntary fasting obviously advisable , such as Mondays and Thursdays , David fasting or fasting full moon ( 13 , 14 and 15 ) alone , then of course such things better and more safely .
Concerning the virtues of fasting in the month of Rajab , there are many who tell it is weak hadith . And Ibn Hajar al - Asqalany once wrote an important book , relating to the hadiths about the virtues of the month of Rajab , and he mentakhrijnya and separates which include hadeeth , which is weak and which also are included hadiths maudhu ' in his book titled Tabyiinul ' Ajab fi Fadl Rajab Bimaa Warada .
According to him , in between is weak hadiths that speak about the virtues of fasting in the month of Rajab is :
Meaning : "Verily, in heaven , there is a river called Rajab River . The water exceeds the white milk , and exceeding sweetness of honey . Anyone who fasts one day of the month of Rajab , Allah will give you to drink from the Rajab river " .
Meaning : "The Messenger of Allah said : " Whoever fasts a day in Rajab , the reward is equal to fasting the whole month . Anyone who fasted seven days in Rajab , the seven gates of Hell are closed to him , and whoever fasts eight days in Rajab , it will be opened for him eight gates of Heaven . Who is fast for ten days in the month of Rajab , the mistakes will be replaced with goodness " .
Imam Abdurrahman as- Shafury , in his book Nuzhat Al- Majalis (p. 222 ) once told one story , one day Prophet Isa a mountain pass and emit light that shines so beautifully . Jesus then ask God to speak to the mountain . God grant it .
The mountain was then asked : "O Prophet Jesus , what do you want ? "
Jesus replied : " Tell me why you shine beautiful body like that " .
The mountain was answered : " Because in my stomach someone who is worship " .
Jesus prayed to God : "O God , please remove him from the belly of the mountain " .
Mount was splitting , and came out an old man with a clean face beamed , and said : "O Jesus , I was the prophet Moses to his people , and I ask God , so that I can see the age of the Prophet, so that I can be one his community. And I was in the belly of the mountain for six hundred years , and everything I use to worship God " .
Jesus then said : " O Allah , is there anyone on this earth that is more noble than the person you think of this pious ? "
God replied : "O Jesus , anyone from the Ummah of Muhammad who fasted for one day in the month of Rajab , he is more precious to Me , from this man " . Subhanallah wal hamdulillah .
5 . Increase the charity , including the sacrifice whenever possible .
Rajab , for the people of Jahiliyyah ago , months really very honored . In fact , the month of Rajab is used as their feast . In this month , they used to do animal sacrifice , either camel , cow or goat , as an attempt to glorify this blessed month , which they call by the name al - ' atirah .
The scholars differed whether ' atirah still be done or has been deleted law .
Jumhur scholars argue that legal provisions have been abolished , it is based on the hadith of Bukhari, Muslim , Abu Hurayrah in which the Prophet said : " There is no fara ' ( fara ' is the sacrifice of a child's first camel or goat ) is also no sacrifice ' atirah ( ' atirah is animal sacrifice in the month of Rajab ) " .
Meanwhile, according to Ibn Sirin , Ahmad ibn Hanbal and a class of scholars of hadith , judge ' atirah is sunnah acts to date . That is , if there is a sacrifice in the month of Rajab , he has seen acts sunant .
It is based on the following hadith Hasan narrated by Imam Abu Dawud , Imam Nasai and Ibn Majah from Makhnaf Sulaym ibn al - Ghamidy , bahwasannya Prophet said when Arafat :
Meaning : "The Messenger of Allah said : " Verily, for every family in every year, there is sacrifice and ' atirah , and ' atirah is commonly referred to Rajabiyyah ( sacrifice performed in the month of Rajab ) " . ( Narrated by Abu Dawud and others ) .
In the Saheeh of Imam Nasa'i Nabisyah , that the companions once asked the Prophet :
Meaning : " The Companions asked : " O Messenger of Allah , we used to do during Jahiliyyah ' atirah , sacrifice in the month of Rajab . " The Messenger of Allah said : " Berkurbanlah because God , in anything, and do good simply because God ( when slaughtered ) , and give ( the meat to the people who need ) " . ( Narrated by Abu Dawud and others ) .
In another hadith below , allow the implementation of the Messenger of Allah ' atirah this :
Meaning : " Abu Razin said : " I asked the Messenger of Allah : ' O Messenger of Allah , we used to sacrifice in the month of Rajab in the Jahiliyyah period beforehand , we eat , and we give to those who come to the house . The Messenger of Allah said : " Never mind " . ( Narrated by al- Nasai ) .
Of some of hadith between allowing and prohibiting , the scholars , as told Ibn Rajab ( p. 170 ) tries to combine the two. That , the hadiths which indicate that the practice of ' atirah are not allowed , if the sacrifices and the sacrifices ( ' atirah ) it was not because of God . The ' atirah conducted in the month of Rajab , and implemented as God , then so is allowed , even including practice the Sunnah .
Therefore , in the practice to do in the month of Rajab is also intended to sacrifice the poor , as one form of charity to them . If not possible to sacrifice , then it can be charitable with other forms , such as providing food , money , clothing or other
According to Imam al - Ash'amy , imam of al - Imam al - Mufadhal and Fura , rajab , meaning noble and great . So named , because the angels always exalt and glorify the month with more reading reproduce tahmid and rosary to God ( liannal malaaikah tatarajjab littasbiih wat tahmiid fiih ) .
Imam al - Syatha in his book I'aanatut Thaalibin ( 2/307 ) , also said that the word is taken from the word rajab at - tarjiib meaning at - ta'zhiim , glorified , exalted . So named because the ancient Arabs glorify and mengagungkannya exceeded other months . In fact , the people jahiliyyah ago , making it among the feast , and the crowd rushed perform sacrifices with al'atiirah name .
While associated with the names of the months of Rajab , some scholars such as Imam Abu Bakr ibn as- Sayyid Muhammad Syatha ad- Dimyathi in his book I'aanatut Thaalibin ( 2/307 ) , said , Month of Rajab has fourteen ( 14 ) the name , and partly again said there were seventeen ( 17 ) names , namely :
1 . Syahrullah ( Moon God ) . So named because of the month of Rajab including Haram , which glorify God and forbids wars in it . Because of this , called the Month of Rajab Allah ( syahrullah ) .
2 . Rajab ( glorious , glorious ) , so named because of the angels on this month over glorify God by way of more memperbanyka tahmid and beads .
3 . Rajab Mudar ( really , more glory and keharamannya ) . Named so, because Rajab is more noble seen by the Arabs earlier than the other sacred months .
4 . Munshil Asnah ( removing children penah ) . So called because in this month , the people of Jahiliyyah not make war , they let go of all the attributes of the war , including his arrows .
5 . Asham ( deaf ) . Named so, because in this month the Arabs were not to hear the sounds of weapons , war .
6 . Ashab ( hit , get ) . Named so, because in that month , a lot of kindness and profit that can be achieved , especially those who hold trade , or other business , because the moon is safe , there was no fighting . Most of the others said , called Ashab , because in this God does not torture any one ummah . However , this opinion is refuted by saying that God drowned Noah's people , also in the month of Rajab , because the opinion is not correct , as quoted by Imam al - Bujairamy in his book al - Bujairamy Hasyiyah ' alal Khatiib chapter diyat ( 12/44 ) .
Meanwhile, according to Imam Abdurrahman as- Shafury in his book Nuzhat Al Majaalis ( p. 222 ) , called the Ashab , due this month , mercy , compassion God really poured with a very heavy to His servants .
7 . Munfis ( beautiful and good ) . So called because in this month the scenery is very beautiful and nice , orderly , organized , people quietly doing daily activities and so forth , because there was no fighting in it .
8 . Muthahhir (purify , cleanse ) . So named , because the Arabs first clean themselves by performing Umrah worship , or cleanse themselves of warfare that month.
9 . Ma'la ( high places ) . Called so , because this month , people lift each other and respect each other , and to place it on a high and glorious place . So even if there are mistakes, they did not retaliate .
10 . Muqiim ( silence ) . So named , because the Arabs first sit at home , do not make war .
11 . Haram ( frail , elderly ) . Named so, because in this month the Arabs as people who are frail and elderly , they remain silent in ruamh , not make war .
12 . Muqasyqisy ( maintained ) . So called because in this month the people of war maintained , so the traffic is smooth trade and life became normal.
13 . Mubri ( free, loose ) . So called because in this month the Arabs first releasing the tools of war , and in spite of the war .
14 . Fard ( alone ) . So named , because the sacred months of Rajab is solitary , not in conjunction with other forbidden months . While Dhul Qa'dah , Dhul Hijjah and Muharram is forbidden months are hand in hand with each other .
While those who argue there were seventeen names , three names are:
1 . Rajim ( stoning , stoned ) . So called because in this month the Arabs pelted the devil so that the devil does not hurt people choice ( the trustees ) , and righteous people .
2 . Munshil al - Alah ( releasing the tools of war ) . So named , because they are Arabs in this release all the tools of war .
3 . Munzi ' al - Asnah ( unplug arrows ) . So called , because the Arabs first release , and deprive children of their arrows , as a sign of war does not occur in the month .
The specialty of the month of Rajab
There are several features of the month of Rajab , among which are :
1 . Including sacred months of Rajab month .
As already mentioned above , that the sacred months is a very precious months and privileged , hence God mentions in the Qur'an no less than five paragraphs . Including the sacred months of Rajab , based on the following hadith :
Meaning : " From Abu Bakrah , the Messenger of Allah said : " Verily, time is ticking, as the situation initially , on the day when God created the heavens and the earth . One year there are twelve months , of which there are four sacred months , three months consecutively , ie Dhul Qa'dah , Dhul Hijjah and Muharram , and Rajab Mudar which is the month ( the more so in terms of keharamannya ) , which is in between the two bulanJumadil ( ula and end ) and in the month of Sha'ban " ( Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim ) .
2 . Months of Rajab called Moon God ( syahrullaah ) .
Syahrullah , means the moon God . Not merely the name ascribed to God , but for something special . It is , as mentioned in a hadith narrated by Imam as- Mursal Syuyuthi in his book al - Jami as- Shagir , delivered three consecutive months , each belonging to certain parties ; Rajab , Sha'ban and Ramadan . Rajab is the month of Allah , Sha'ban month of the Prophet , and Ramadan month of the ummah of the Prophet . In this case the Messenger of Allah said :
Meaning : " Hasan al -Basri said , The Messenger of Allah said : " Month of Rajab is the month of Allah , Sha'ban is my moon , and Ramadan is the month of my ummah " .
Opinion of the writer , called the month of Rajab of God , because the month of Rajab , including the Moon is very precious , because it is the good that is done in it , the reward will be doubled , on the contrary , the crimes done in it , will also doubled the punishment and sin .
While the so-called month of Sha'ban is why the Messenger of Allah , because the Prophet in doing a lot of voluntary fast . In fact , mentioned in a history , he did fasting during the entire month of Sha'ban, or most of it . That is why the Prophet called it ' my moon ' .
While Ramadan is called the month of my ummah , because in the Prophet 's ummah harvest the reward . Worship anything done in it , the reward is doubled than in other months . Umrah in it , the reward is equal to perform Hajj , voluntary prayers performed during Ramadan , the reward equal to the reward of compulsory prayers , and the reward of the obligatory prayer multiplied into a seven -fold from the obligatory prayers at other times . Therefore, it is inappropriate when the month of Ramadan is called the month of my ummah , because we as the Ummah Prophet actually harvest reward and kindness .
3 . Months noblest among other sacred months .
As has been alluded to above authors , that some scholars syafi'iyyah found Rajab is the month of the most glorious in comparison with other forbidden months , though this opinion is disputed by Imam Nawawi , and he is more merajihkan month of Muharram as the most special of the month forbidden months .
4 . Including one of the five nights efficacious time to pray .
Imam Shafi'i once said , that there are five highly efficacious night to pray , among them the first night of the month of Rajab .
Meaning : " It has reached us that the history of the two it would ( more than likely to ) be granted on five nights : On Friday night , the night of Eid ul-Fitr , Eid al- Adha night , early evening in Rajab , Sha'ban and the night Nishfu . Imam Shafi'i said again : " And I'm very stressed ( to multiply prayer ) on the whole night which I have mentioned earlier " .
5 . Occurrence of events paramount Ascension of the Prophet.
Some scholars argue that , the Ascension of the Prophet occurred in the month of Rajab , precisely on the evening of the 27th of the month of Rajab . It shows that the month of Rajab is a very special month , and therefore God chose it as the right time for the implementation of the Ascension of the Prophet. And , as it is known, Ascension is a very important event in Islam , where the event was down command obligatory five daily prayers .
6 . Rajab is the abbreviation of Rahmatullah ( love saying God ) , juudullah ( generosity of God ) and birrullaah ( goodness of God ) .
Imam Abdurrahman bin Abdus Salam as- Shafury Shafi'i in his book Nuzhat Al Majaalis Muntakhab wa an- Nafais (p. 222 ) says that the word Rajab which consists of three letters ra , jim and ba , which stands Rahmatullah ( love saying God ) , Juudullaah ( generosity of God ) and birrullah ( goodness of God ) .
According to him , that in the month of Rajab , God will pour out His mercy , generosity and kindness - kindness , certainly for those who fill it with lots of goodness .
7 . Months rajab is key to goodness and blessings other blessings months .
Among the blessed month and full of goodness is the month of Sha'ban and Ramadan . The first key to gain blessings and goodness in the second month of the above , is the month of Rajab . That is, if the month in the month of Rajab is already filled with benevolence and devotion , then the goodness and blessings in the month of Sha'ban and Ramadan , will be easily achieved .
Imam Abu Bakr al - Warraq al - Balakhy as quoted by Ibn Rajab in Lathaiful Maarif (p. 176 ) , says :
Meaning : " Month of Rajab is the month for planting ( goodness ) , the month of Sha'ban is the month for watering plants ( goodness ) , and the month of Ramadan is the month to harvest crops intended " .
On another occasion , Imam al - Balakhy also once said :
Meaning : " Month of Rajab, like angina , being the month of Sha'ban is like a cloud , and the month of Ramadan as rain ( rain full of goodness and blessings ) ."
8 . Months of Rajab , in the month of liberation from the fire of hell .
In addition to the month of Ramadan , according to some scholars , the month was also the month in which the God will set people free from the torment of hell . Therefore , as already mentioned above , some scholars say , that in this God will not punish or mengadzab servant .
Therefore, some scholars of yore really hope to die this month . Ibn Rajab (p. 176 ) tells a story , there is a righteous scholars sick before the month of Rajab . Then the cleric recalled : " Verily I pray to God , that God mengakhirkan my death in the month of Rajab , because there is a history to say that in the month of Rajab , Allah will free people from the torment of the future " . God hears even the pious servant earlier , he died in the month of Rajab . Allahu akbar .
Deeds-deeds in the month of Rajab
As already mentioned above , that the month of Rajab , was among months were very honored by God . In fact , according to some Syafi'iyyah , it is the most glorious month compared with the other forbidden months .
Therefore, this month is very precious months , then any kindness yan done in it will certainly reward is very great in comparison doubled and other months , in addition to Ramadan .
To that end , the scholars since the first very real concern for this blessed month filled with rituals that are extremely diverse, ranging from prayer , fasting , charity , reading the Qur'an , friendship , helping others , until the implementation of the Umrah . Here , among the important practice that should be done in order to fill in the month of Rajab , the month full of blessings and full moon goodness .
1 . Pray that blessed month of Sha'ban and Ramadan can follow
Among the usual practice by the Prophet in the month of Rajab , was given a blessing to pray for the month of Rajab and Sha'ban , and to be reunited with the month of Ramadan . Commonly recited prayer Prophet is :
Cor baarik lanaa fi Rajab wa rojab , wa ballignaa romadhan
Meaning : " O Allah , bless us in Rajab , Sha'ban is also in our age and Convey to the month of Ramadan " .
It is , as mentioned in the following hadith :
Meaning : " Anas bin Malik said : " It is the Messenger of Allah when he enters the month of Rajab , he likes to pray : " Allahumma wa baarik lanaa fi rajab Sha'ban , Ramadan ballignaa wa ( O Allah , bless us in Rajab , also in the month this Sha'ban and Convey our age to the month of Ramadan ) " ( Narrated by Ahmad , Tabarani and al - Bazzar ) .
According to Imam Abdul Ghani bin Ismail an- Nablusi in his book , al - Ayyaam was Fadhail - Syuhuur (p. 29 ) says that this hadith is also narrated by Imam ad - Dailami in his Musnad al - Firdaus , narrated by three roads from Anas ibn Malik . And the hadiths that exist in the book Musnad al - Firdaus is hadith is weak , but it can be done and practiced during the chapter relating to the primacy of charitable deeds , Fadhailul Charity .
Imam Nawawi also in the introduction of his Sharh Muslim asserted , that the hadith is weak can be used in chapter virtue deeds ( chapter Fadhailul a'maal ) .
Prayer above should be read over and over again when we enter the month of Rajab and Sha'ban . The more reading , of course the greater the reward . Blessings in the month of Rajab , in the month of Sha'ban blessing , and can see the month of Ramadan , are the three things that are expected by all Muslims . Prayer above should also be read after each obligatory prayer , or at times of leisure while dhikr or finished reading the Koran .
In addition to the prayer , there is another prayer that is read by the companions of the month of Rajab and Sha'ban , as stated by Yahya ibn Abi Kathir , as cited by Ibn Rajab in his Lathaiful Maarif ( p. 202 ) , namely :
Cor sallimnii ilaa Ramadan , Ramadan lii salllim wa , wa sallimhu minni mutaqabbalaa .
Meaning : " O Allah , save and Convey ( age ) i to the month of Ramadan , Ramadan , and save me , and save my deeds-deeds during Ramadan so that it can be accepted " .
2 . Repent and beg forgiveness for all the sins and errors .
Rajab is the first key to foster kindness and obedience plant that can be harvested in the month of Ramadan later . Therefore , in addition to nurture and cultivate kindness is certainly beg forgiveness for all sins by way of repentance or forgiveness reproduce , are among the things that should be done .
Ideally , before planting kindness , forgiveness and repentance is the main requirement . Prior to doing obedience , a servant is highly recommended to confess all the sins and errors , plus beg for forgiveness for all the mistakes and sins mentioned . And , in the month of Rajab it should be more and more frequent .
Therefore , some scholars , such as Imam Abdurrahman as- Shafury in his book Nuzhat Al Majaalis ( p. 222 ) , says that this is the month of Rajab for forgiveness for all the sins and errors ( listighfaarid dzunuub ) , Sha'ban to cover any disgrace ( lisatril ' uyuub ) , and the month of Ramadan to explain the hearts and minds ( litanwiiril quluub ) .
Put differently , the month of Rajab is the month of forgiveness from God ( maghfirah minallaah ) , Sha'ban is the month of God 's help ( Syafa'atullah ) , and the month of Ramadan is the month dilipatgandakannya perfect reward ( tadh'iful hasanaat ) .
In addition , the scholars also say : Rajab is the month to repent ( Tawbah syahrut ) , Sha'ban month to sow affection ( Syahrul mahabbah ) , and Ramadan is the month to get closer to God ( Syahrul qurbah ) .
Therefore , it is among the deeds that need to be propagated in the month of Rajab is repent and beg forgiveness for all the sins and errors ( forgiveness ) .
Imam Ali ra once said : " Expand istighfar in the month of Rajab , because at any time in the month of Rajab , there are people who will be freed by Allah from the torment of hell " .
3 . Perform as many voluntary prayers and sekhusyu ' possible .
As explained earlier , that among these are privileges Rajab , the month chosen by God for important events Ascension of the Prophet. And the core of the existence of this event , is a compulsory five daily prayers . Therefore , it is more important practice that needs to be done in order to fill in the month of Rajab is the voluntary prayers as often as possible , ranging from Duha , Tahajjud , Witr , Hajat , Tasbih , Rawatib and others .
In a hadith is weak , as quoted by Imam Abdurrahman as- Shafury in his book Nuzhat Al Majaalis ( p. 218 ) , from Tsauban , bahwasannya Prophet while passing a cemetery complex . Prophet suddenly cried as he said : "O Tsauban , they are currently being tortured in the grave , then I pray to God to God to relieve their torment . O Tsauban , if they fasted for one day in the month of Rajab , they also do a one-time night prayers ( tahajjud ) , of course they will not be tortured in his grave like this " .
Tsauban then asked : " O Messenger of Allah , with one day of fasting and prayer tahajud one time only in the month of Rajab , may prevent the punishment of the grave ? " .
The Prophet replied : "Yes , for me that are in His power , not a single Muslim or any Muslim who fasts for one day or evening prayers once in the month of Rajab , but Allah will record for him a reward as someone who worship one years , where he fasted afternoon and evening prayers tahajud he continues " .
Some scholars suggest anyone to perform prayers Sunant Ragaib . Ragaib voluntary prayer is voluntary prayer performed on the first Friday evening after Maghrib and Isha prayers before , in the month of Rajab .
This Ragaib prayer was delivered by Imam al - Ghazali in his book Ihya ' Ulumiddin chapter an- nawaafil ( voluntary prayers : 1/202 ) , citing a hadith below :
Meaning : "The Messenger of Allah said : " There is no one else who fasted on the first Thursday in Rajab , and the prayer of circumcision between Isha and dark night time , as many as twelve cycles , which every two cycles separated by greetings . Then every Rakat read al - Fatiha letter one time , the letter al - Qadr 3 times , al - Ikhlas 12 times , and when it finishes his prayer , reading as much as 70 times the following blessings : Allaoohumma Shalli ' alaa Muhammadinin Nabiyyil Ummiyyi wa ' alaa aalihii , then prostrate while reading the following prayer beads as much as 70 times : subbuhun quddusun ruuh Lord of malaaikati war , then rise from the prostration , as much as 70 times while reading the following prayer : ' robbighfir Warham tajaawaz wa ' ammaa ta'lam , innakal a'azzul akram ( O Allah , forgive all sin , love and forgive all the mistakes of what Eukau know , because Eukau Gallant , Most Venerable Maha ) , then bow down once again while reading the passage as the first prostration , then still in prostration , he prayed to God all the hunger keperluaannya , then God will grant all the hunger and needs " .
However, this hadith assessed by Imam al - ' Iraqy in his book al - Ihyaa Takhrij Ahaadits ( 2/129 ) , as the hadith maudhu ' who can not hold onto the law . Therefore , considering this involves legal issues , it certainly should be based on the hadeeth , and therefore , not justified Ragaib prayer done .
Jumhur scholars as cited by Ibn Rajab (p. 171 ) , including one Salat Ragaib madzmumah bid'ah ( reprehensible bid'ah ) which should be avoided . Imam Nawawi in al - Majmu'nya also quoted as saying by Imam heated debate over its Muhtaj Mughnil chapter in voluntary prayers ( salat an- nafl chapter : 3/151 ) , also mengkatagorikannya madzmumah heresy ( heresy is reprehensible ) .
To that end , the prayers Ragaib this should not be done , and replaced with a voluntary prayer - prayer other voluntary obviously masyru , such tahajud , Duha , witr , and other necessities .
4 . Increase voluntary fast .
Includes practice that should be done in the month of Rajab is doing a voluntary fast as possible , either on Mondays and Thursdays , David or fasting full moon ( the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the month of Rajab ) . Is voluntary fast in addition to the above , there may be other voluntary fasting in Rajab because the glory of the moon is ?
Regarding this issue , Ibn Rajab al - Hanbali (pp. 171-173 ) says many opinions on this matter , among which allow and not allow . However, some scholars of the Salaf , as Ibn Umar , Hasan al -Basri , and Abu Ishak as- Subai'i , he continued , regular fasting in the forbidden months throughout the whole month .
In fact , Imam ats - Tsaury once said : " The months haram ( including Rajab ) is my favorite month for fasting in it " .
This opinion , based on history is weak hadith Ibn Majah , bahwasannya Prophet once said : " Puasalah the forbidden months " .
While Ibn Abbas , Ibn Umar , Sa'id bin Jubair , Yahya ibn Sa'id al - Anshary , also Anas bin Malik , as quoted by Ibn Rajab ( p. 173 ) , they assess Makruh voluntary fasting in Rajab a full month . Therefore , Ibn Umar and Ibn Abbas , sometimes appeared in front of the people are not fasting a few days in the month of Rajab .
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal also once said : " Makruh perform a full month of fasting in the month of Rajab , but should break the ( not fasting ) one or two days " .
Imam Shafi'i in his qadim qaul also argued : "I consider makruh someone who fasted the whole month of Rajab month , as fasting during Ramadan , because in a hadith by Bukhari, Muslim , Aisha said : " I never saw the Messenger of Allah fasting a full month apart in the month of Ramadan alone " .
Imam Shafi'i then forward the words : "I consider makruh above , so that ordinary people do not consider that fasting Rajab is something that must be , but if it does so well ( full fasting in Rajab ) , then it works well " .
Of diverse opinions on the above, the opinion of the author , a person is allowed to do voluntary fasting in Rajab as much as possible , it's just that , not merely because he was fasting month Rajabnya , but because of its sacred months , Rajab in which one of them.
However , if you take the better opinion that out of the above differences , such as only voluntary fasting obviously advisable , such as Mondays and Thursdays , David fasting or fasting full moon ( 13 , 14 and 15 ) alone , then of course such things better and more safely .
Concerning the virtues of fasting in the month of Rajab , there are many who tell it is weak hadith . And Ibn Hajar al - Asqalany once wrote an important book , relating to the hadiths about the virtues of the month of Rajab , and he mentakhrijnya and separates which include hadeeth , which is weak and which also are included hadiths maudhu ' in his book titled Tabyiinul ' Ajab fi Fadl Rajab Bimaa Warada .
According to him , in between is weak hadiths that speak about the virtues of fasting in the month of Rajab is :
Meaning : "Verily, in heaven , there is a river called Rajab River . The water exceeds the white milk , and exceeding sweetness of honey . Anyone who fasts one day of the month of Rajab , Allah will give you to drink from the Rajab river " .
Meaning : "The Messenger of Allah said : " Whoever fasts a day in Rajab , the reward is equal to fasting the whole month . Anyone who fasted seven days in Rajab , the seven gates of Hell are closed to him , and whoever fasts eight days in Rajab , it will be opened for him eight gates of Heaven . Who is fast for ten days in the month of Rajab , the mistakes will be replaced with goodness " .
Imam Abdurrahman as- Shafury , in his book Nuzhat Al- Majalis (p. 222 ) once told one story , one day Prophet Isa a mountain pass and emit light that shines so beautifully . Jesus then ask God to speak to the mountain . God grant it .
The mountain was then asked : "O Prophet Jesus , what do you want ? "
Jesus replied : " Tell me why you shine beautiful body like that " .
The mountain was answered : " Because in my stomach someone who is worship " .
Jesus prayed to God : "O God , please remove him from the belly of the mountain " .
Mount was splitting , and came out an old man with a clean face beamed , and said : "O Jesus , I was the prophet Moses to his people , and I ask God , so that I can see the age of the Prophet, so that I can be one his community. And I was in the belly of the mountain for six hundred years , and everything I use to worship God " .
Jesus then said : " O Allah , is there anyone on this earth that is more noble than the person you think of this pious ? "
God replied : "O Jesus , anyone from the Ummah of Muhammad who fasted for one day in the month of Rajab , he is more precious to Me , from this man " . Subhanallah wal hamdulillah .
5 . Increase the charity , including the sacrifice whenever possible .
Rajab , for the people of Jahiliyyah ago , months really very honored . In fact , the month of Rajab is used as their feast . In this month , they used to do animal sacrifice , either camel , cow or goat , as an attempt to glorify this blessed month , which they call by the name al - ' atirah .
The scholars differed whether ' atirah still be done or has been deleted law .
Jumhur scholars argue that legal provisions have been abolished , it is based on the hadith of Bukhari, Muslim , Abu Hurayrah in which the Prophet said : " There is no fara ' ( fara ' is the sacrifice of a child's first camel or goat ) is also no sacrifice ' atirah ( ' atirah is animal sacrifice in the month of Rajab ) " .
Meanwhile, according to Ibn Sirin , Ahmad ibn Hanbal and a class of scholars of hadith , judge ' atirah is sunnah acts to date . That is , if there is a sacrifice in the month of Rajab , he has seen acts sunant .
It is based on the following hadith Hasan narrated by Imam Abu Dawud , Imam Nasai and Ibn Majah from Makhnaf Sulaym ibn al - Ghamidy , bahwasannya Prophet said when Arafat :
Meaning : "The Messenger of Allah said : " Verily, for every family in every year, there is sacrifice and ' atirah , and ' atirah is commonly referred to Rajabiyyah ( sacrifice performed in the month of Rajab ) " . ( Narrated by Abu Dawud and others ) .
In the Saheeh of Imam Nasa'i Nabisyah , that the companions once asked the Prophet :
Meaning : " The Companions asked : " O Messenger of Allah , we used to do during Jahiliyyah ' atirah , sacrifice in the month of Rajab . " The Messenger of Allah said : " Berkurbanlah because God , in anything, and do good simply because God ( when slaughtered ) , and give ( the meat to the people who need ) " . ( Narrated by Abu Dawud and others ) .
In another hadith below , allow the implementation of the Messenger of Allah ' atirah this :
Meaning : " Abu Razin said : " I asked the Messenger of Allah : ' O Messenger of Allah , we used to sacrifice in the month of Rajab in the Jahiliyyah period beforehand , we eat , and we give to those who come to the house . The Messenger of Allah said : " Never mind " . ( Narrated by al- Nasai ) .
Of some of hadith between allowing and prohibiting , the scholars , as told Ibn Rajab ( p. 170 ) tries to combine the two. That , the hadiths which indicate that the practice of ' atirah are not allowed , if the sacrifices and the sacrifices ( ' atirah ) it was not because of God . The ' atirah conducted in the month of Rajab , and implemented as God , then so is allowed , even including practice the Sunnah .
Therefore , in the practice to do in the month of Rajab is also intended to sacrifice the poor , as one form of charity to them . If not possible to sacrifice , then it can be charitable with other forms , such as providing food , money , clothing or other